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单词 偷梁换柱

偷梁换柱tōu liáng huàn zhù

steal the beams and change the pillars—perpetrate a fraud; deceive;resort to fraudulence; try by underhand means to
❍ 这个叫做~,实行投降之前的思想准备或舆论准备。(《毛泽东选集》645) This is “stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotton timbers” —preparing the public mind for their projected capitulation.
❍ 偏偏凤姐想出一条~之计,自己也不好过潇湘馆来,竟未能少尽姊妹之情,真真可怜可叹!(《红楼梦》1266) I didn't like to visit her all because of Xifeng’s underhand plan to fob off a different bride on Baoyu-so I’ve let my cousin down. How tragic this is!

偷梁换柱tou liang huan zhu

steal beams and pillars and replace them with rotten timber—commit a fraud


steal the beams and change the pillars—commit a fraud; substitute sth inferior for sth else

偷梁换柱tōu liánɡ huàn zhù

比喻暗中玩弄手法,用假的代替真的。perpetrate a fraud, steal the beams and change the pillars, resort to fraudulence





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