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单词 吃大锅饭

吃大锅饭chī dà guō fàn

eat from the same pot—getting an equal share regardless of the work done
❍ ~的作法应该完全废除。The practice of “eating from the same big pot”should be done away with all together.

吃大锅饭chi da guo fan

eat from the same big pot—get the same pay whether one works hard or does not work at all


everybody“eating out the same big pot”;extreme equaltarianism;“eating from the same pot as everyone else”;everybody “sharing food from the same big pot”


egalitarian practice of “everybody eating out of (or sharing food from)the same big pot”

吃大锅饭chī dà ɡuō fàn

在一起共吃一锅饭。比喻过所谓的共产主义生活。everybody eats from the same big pot, sharing of food from the same big pot





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更新时间:2024/11/15 16:58:20