单词 | land |
释义 | land/lænd/ n;v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/] n (1)陆地(solid part of the earth's surface)[U]:approach/reach/sight~接近/登上/看见陆地;travel by/over~陆路旅行;The sailor's wife wanted him to get a job on~. 那名海员的妻子要他找一份陆上的工作。〖同〗ground; (2)土地(ground or soil)[U]:buy a piece of~购买一块土地;clear~of trees and bushes 清除土地上的树木和灌木;farming/building~农田/建筑用地;cultivate/enrich/fertilize/irrigate/plow the~耕种土地/使土地肥沃/给土地施肥/灌溉土地/犁地;arable/barren/exhausted/fertile/grazing/pasture~可耕地/不毛之地/肥力枯竭的土地/肥沃的土地/放牧地/牧场;private/public~私有/公有土地;a plot/tract of~一块/片土地;~office 土地管理局;〖同〗 soil; (3)农村(业)地区(rural area)[U,the~]:go back to the~回到田园生活中去;be/work on the~务农;Some farmers left the~to work in industry.一些农民离开农村去从事工业生产。 (4)国家(country)[C]:come from all~s 来自各个国家;a far-away~遥远的国家;far from the~of their birth 远离他们的故乡;one's home/native~祖国,故乡;a~of liberty自由之邦;the L~of Stars and Stripes 星条旗之国(指美国);the Holy L~ 圣地;the~of dreams (fig) 梦乡; (5)地(田)产(estate)[U,pl]:This river forms the boundary of his~. 这条河是他的地产的边界。own houses and~s 拥有房地产;live on one's own~s 靠自己的地产生活; find out/see how the~lies 了解形势,摸清情况:You'd better see how the~lies before taking any action. 你最好看清形势再采取行动。 →landed adj 有土地的;′land-agent n 地产管理人;′land-breeze n 陆风;′land-form n 地貌;′landlady n 女房东;′landlord n 地主,房东;′land-locked adj 内陆的;′landmark n 陆标,里程碑;land-mine n 地雷;′landslide(′landslip)n 滑坡;′landward adj朝陆地的;′landwards adv 朝陆地;′landscape n; v (1)登陆,使上岸((cause to)go on shore from a ship)[I,I+prep(at),T+n,T+n+prep(at)]:Where did you~?你是在哪儿上岸的? They~ed at Bombay. 他们在孟买登陆。~the troops at a beachhead 把部队送上滩头阵地;The goods were~ed from the ship. 货物从船上卸到岸上。He~ed the boat on the beach. 他把小船拖上海滩。 (2)把(鱼)捕上岸(bring on to land)[T+n]:The fishermen~ed many fish. 渔民们打了很多鱼。 (3)着陆(地)((cause to)bring down to the ground)[I,I+prep,T+n,T+n +prep]:The plane~ed safely. 飞机安全降落。We~ed at the airport in Chicago. 我们在芝加哥机场着陆。A parcel fell from the rack and~ed on his head. 一个包裹从行李架上掉下来,刚好落在他头上。~on one's head/one's back 头/背着地;The pilot~ed the airliner safely (at the airport). 飞行员驾驶客机(在机场)安全着陆。〖反〗take off; (4)(使)处于不愉快的境地((cause to) be in an unpleasant situation)[I+adv(up),I+adv(up)+prep(in),T+n+prep(in)](fml):You will~up in prison if you behave like that. 如果你那样胡作非为是要进监狱的。He's~ed me in great difficulty/in a very embarrassing situation. 他使我陷入困境/非常尴尬的境地。 (5)得到(win,obtain)[T+n](infml):~a prize/a contract/a good job 获奖/得到一项合同/得到一份好的工作; land on one's feet 摆脱困境(infml):No matter what trouble he gets into,he always seems to~on his feet. 他不管遇到什么麻烦好像总能摆脱困境。 land up doing sth最后不情愿地做(infml):He~ed up not only having to apologize but also having to pay. 他最后不但要道歉,还得赔款。 land sb with sth硬要某人去处理某事(infml):They~ed me with the things no one else wanted.他们硬把谁也不要的东西给了我。 →′landing n 登(着)陆 |
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