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单词 可有可无

可有可无kě yǒu kě wú

may or may not be needed; not essential; not indispensable; of no consequence
❍ 这些特点是事实上存在的,不是虚造骗人的; 是战争的全部基本要素,不是残缺不全的片断; 是贯彻于双方一切大小问题和一切作战阶段之中的,不是~的。(《毛泽东选集》 418) These characteristics exist objectively and are not invented to deceive people;they constitute all the basic elements of the war,and are not incomplete fragments; they permeate all major and minor problems on both sides and all stages of the war,and they are not matters of no con sequence.
❍ 因此把一切男子都看成浊物,~。(《红楼梦》235) To him,therefore,all men were filthy clods who might just as well not have existed.
❍ 写完后至少看两遍,竭力将~的字、句、段删去,毫不可惜。(《鲁迅全集》Ⅲ—146) Read your story through at least twice after finishing it,and ruthlessly cut all words,phrases and sections that are not essential.
❍ 你且听我几句话: 你先不要专想衣服罢,衣服是~的,…… (鲁迅《故事新编·起死》124) Here’s word of advice: drop this obsession with your clothes. Clothes aren’t indispensable.


not essential;not indispensable

可有可无kě yǒu kě wú

比喻有没有都无所谓。not indispensable, non-essential, may or may not be needed, dispensable, inessential





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