释义 |
叮dīnɡ ❶ (蚊子等咬) sting;bite:脚上叫蚊子 ~ 了一下 get a mosquito bite on the leg; 他被黄蜂 ~ 了一下。 He was stung by a wasp. ❷ (追问) say or ask again to make sure:我 ~ 了他一句,他才说了真话。 I asked him again,and at last he came out with the truth. ◆叮当 dingdong;jingle;clatter; 叮咛 urge again and again;warn;exhort; 叮问 [方] question closely;make a detailed inquiry; 叮咬 bite;sting; 叮嘱 urge again and again;repeatedly advise;warn;exhort |