单词 | labour |
释义 | labourAmE -bor/′leɪbǝ(r)/ n;vi [-ing/rɪ ŋ/] n (1)(艰苦的)劳动(work;hard work)[U]:do (perform) manual/physical/mental~干/从事体力/体力/脑力劳动;spare no~不遗余力 painstaking/productive/unproductive/volunteer~艰苦的/生产/非生产性/义务劳动;division of~劳动分工;~camps 劳改营;〖反〗 rest,leisure; (2)工作,任务(piece of work;task)[C 通常pl]:Success crowned his~s. 他的辛劳最后获得了成功。Hercules was given twelve~s to perform. 交给赫拉克勒斯12项任务去完成。 (3)劳工(workers of a country or industry,considered as a group)[U]:shortage of skilled~技工短缺;unskilled~非技术工人;Most of the nation's~is on strike. 这个国家大多数劳工在罢工。a~exchange 劳工(职业)介绍所;the~force/union 劳动力/工会;~relations 劳资关系;L~Day 劳动节(5月1日,在美国为9月的第一个星期一);the L~Party(英)工党; (4)分娩,阵痛(process or pains of childbirth)[U]:have a difficult/natural/painless~难产/顺产/无痛分娩;have an easy~ 顺产;go into/be in~进入分娩阶段/在分娩中; a labour of love 出于喜爱而自愿做的事:Knitting him that sweater was a~of love. 为他织那件毛衣完全是出于爱心。 →͵labour-in′tensive adj 劳动密集型的;′labour-saving adj 节省劳力的; vi (1)劳动,辛劳(do work;work hard)[I,I+prep,I+adv,I+to-inf]:~in the mines/the fields for 30 years 在矿上/田间辛劳30年;~at (on) a task/a book 辛勤地做一项工作/编写一本书;The editor~ed on the manuscript till early morning. 编辑辛辛苦苦地修改稿件直到清晨。The men~ed on/away into the night. 那些人一直/不停地干到深夜。~to finish a task on time为按时完成任务而努力工作;〖反〗 rest,relax; (2)费(努)力地做某事(do sth with difficulty and effort)[I,I+prep,I+to-inf]:~for breath 吃力地呼吸;The ship~ed through the heavy sea. 船在波涛汹涌的海面上颠簸前行。 The wheels~ed in the sand. 轮子在沙里费力地转动。They~ed through the thick forest and up the steep hill.他们艰难地穿过茂密的森林,攀上陡峭的山坡。~to understand what is said 努力听懂所说的话;〖同〗struggle; labour the point 一再详细解释(已知的事):Although we all knew what the difficulty was,he wasted time~ing the point. 虽然我们都了解困难是什么,他还是浪费时间啰唆地讲述。 labour under 1)受……之苦(fml):The school~ed under the disadvantage of not having enough textbooks. 该校吃了教科书不足之苦。2)受骗(fml):He~ed under the delusion that he could never make a mistake. 他以为自己从来不会犯错误。 →′labo(u)red adj 费力的,不自然的;′la-bourer n 劳动者,工人;′labo(u)ring adj 劳动的;la′bo(u)rious adj 勤劳的,吃力的,不流畅的; 【辨异】1)labour常指艰苦的体力劳动。work泛指一般的工作,可以是体力的或脑力的,轻松的或繁重的,愉快的或不愉快的等。2)laboured与elaborate和studied的区别见ELABORATE。 |
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