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单词 暗无天日

暗无天日àn wú tiān rì

complete (/pitch/an abyss of) darkness; dark days; perpetual darkness reigns; misgovernment and a gross lack of justice;total absence of justice
❍ 上自王后,下至弄臣,……似乎感到~的悲哀,…… (鲁迅《故事新编》86) From the queen down to the court jester,they felt as if the sun had been swallowed up in darkness.
❍ 新四军走后,当地乡亲立刻陷入了~的地狱,……(杨佩瑾《剑》63)With the departure of the New Fourth Army,the local people were plunged into darkness…/在敌人~的统治下,煤矿陷入不死不活的半停顿状态。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》 11) In those dark days when the reactionaries held sway,the mine was abominably run.
❍ 也有人说,那里~,有一天太阳照进了矿井,人们就不再受穷受苦。(吴运铎《把一切献给党》1)Others said that down the mine perpetual darkness reigned; the day when the sun shed its lustre into those dark caverns,it would see an end to the sufferings of the poor.
❍ 在这~的时候,一切都睡着了,都沉在梦里,都死了的时候,正是应该你咆哮的时候,应该你尽力咆哮的时候!(郭沫若《屈原》131)In this pitch darkness without the light of day everything is asleep,wrapped in deep slumber or dead; it is time for you to roar,for you to roar with all your might!

暗无天日an wu tian ri

complete darkness

暗无天日àn wú tiān rì

形容社会极端黑暗。complete darkness, total absence of justice, dark days, day of darkness





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