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单词 口诛笔伐

口诛笔伐kǒu zhū bī fá

condemn both in speech and in writing; condemn by pen and word of mouth;denounce orally and in writing; draw one’s pen (/quill) and raise one’s voice against; lash out at someone both by word of mouth and in writing; make verbal and written criticisms
❍ 圣叹生在流贼遍天下的时代,眼见张献忠李自成一班强盗流毒全国,故他觉得强盗是不能提倡的,是应该~的。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》124)Jin Shengtan lived at a time when the country was overrun by brigands,he saw the havoc caused in the empire by bandits like Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng,and believed that brigandage should not be supported but attacked in works of literature.”/其实呢,罪是并不在“老”,而在于“卖”的,假使他在叉麻将,念弥陀,一字不写,就决不会惹青年作家的~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—176) In fact,the crime is not “seniority”but the “exploitation” of it. If an old man plays mah jong and reads Buddhist canons without writing a word,he is quite safe from attacks by young writers.
❍ 于是造出了许多光荣的烈女,和许多被人~的不烈女。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—8) So they create all these glorious women martyrs on the one hand and these wantons universally condemned on the other.

口诛笔伐kou zhu bi fa

denounce in both speech and writing


condemning both in speech and in writing


condemn both in speech and in writing;denounce by tongue and pen; criticize in all forms

口诛笔伐kǒu zhū bǐ fá

诛:痛斥、责罚;伐:讨伐、声讨。用语言文字揭露、批判坏人坏事。condemn both in speech and in writing, lash put both verbally and in writing, condemn both by word of mouth and in writing





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