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单词 joint
joint1/dʒ ɔ ɪnt/ n & vt

n (1) 接头(缝),连接处(place where two or more things are joined together)[C]:the~s in a jigsaw puzzle 拼图玩具的接缝;ball-and-socket~球窝接头;check the~s of the pipes 检查管子的接缝;tighten up all the~s in the pipes 旋紧管子的所有接头;〖同〗connection,link,elbow,knee;

(2)关节(part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move)[C]:The shoulders,elbows,wrists,hips,knees,and ankles are~s. 肩、肘、腕、髋、膝和踝都是关节。leg/finger~s 腿/指关节;stiff~僵硬的关节;an artificial hip~人造髋关节;hurt the~s of sb's fingers 使某人的指关节受伤;〖同〗connection;

(3)大块肉(large piece of meat with bones for cooking)[C]:a~of beef/lamb/pork 一大块牛/羔羊/猪肉;A leg of mutton is a fairly large~. 一条羊腿是很大的一块肉。

(4)低级酒吧等公共场所(low or shabby clubcafe or other meeting-place)[C](sl,derog): hang around cheap~s in town 游荡于城中的低级酒吧;

(5)大麻烟卷(cigarette containing a drug)[C](sl):They were all having a~.他们都在吸含有毒品的香烟。

out of joint 脱臼(位):He put his shoulder out of~when he moved the wardrobe.他挪衣柜时,肩膀脱臼了。

vt (1)切成大块肉(cut meat into pieces at the joints as a preparation for cooking)[T+n]:~the chicken before cooking it 烹调之前把鸡切成大块;

(2)使装上接头或人造关节(provide with a joint)[T+n,尤 pass]:a~ed doll 关节能活动的洋娃娃





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