a. another day: one day某天,有一天。
△L.L.L.4.1.110(107):“'twill be thine another day.”i.e.Your turnwill come one day.有一天会轮到你的。(谚语)
pron. a second of the same sort另一个同类的人。
△Ado.3.4.86:“Yet Benedick was such another,”班尼狄克原来也正是这样的一个人。
another's anguish: the anguish of another pain,thesuffering caused by another pain另一种痛苦的剧痛,另一种痛苦所造成的苦恼。
△Rom.1.2. 47 (45): “one fireburns out another's burning,/One pain is lessened byanother's anguish;”i.e.one fire will overcome anoth-er fire by burning more strongly,and one kind of painwill appear to be less when compared to another sharp pain.一把火可以烧熄另一把火焰,一种痛苦可以被另一种痛苦减轻。
maid. 在你那水晶的天平里,让你的恋人跟另外一位姑娘同时较量起来。