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单词 卧薪尝胆

卧薪尝胆wò xīn cháng dǎn

sleep on brushwood and taste gall—undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen one’s resolve to wipe out a national humiliation; endure hardships to accomplish some ambition; remind oneself constantly of one’s setback so as to prepare for revenge; suffer extreme privation in order to build up the spirit of vengeance
❍ 成岗激动地望着华子良,面前这位多年来伪装疯癫的人,真是深谋远虑,~,善于长期坚持斗争的老同志。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》491) Cheng Gang gazed respectfully at Hua Ziliang,the man who had pretended to be insane for so many years. What foresight; what patience,stoicism and preseverance were embodied in this old comrade!/古时候的越王勾践,为了报国仇,能吃~那样的苦,难道营盘里这一点点小苦,你们吃得,我就吃不得?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—137) You certainly remember how Prince Gou Jian of the state of Yue in ancient times slept on faggots and tasted animal’s gall before each meal in order to nurture his vengeance onthe conquerors of his country. Why couldn’t I stand just a little hardship the same as you do today in the army camp?/他……给我讲了~的故事,…… (爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》68) He told me the story of the king of the defeated state of Yue who slept on firewood and frequently tasted gall to remind himself of his humiliation,…

卧薪尝胆wo xin chang dan

sleep on firewood and taste gall—endure self-imposed hardships (to strengthen one’s resolve to achieve some ambition or to avenge a national humiliation)

卧薪尝胆wo xin chang dan

sleep on firewood and taste gall,meaning endure self-imposed hardships to strengthen one’s resolve to achieve some ambition or to avenge a national humiliation


sleep on firewood and taste gall—endure self-imposed hardships(to strengthen one’s resolve to achieve some ambition or to avenge a national humiliation).—It referred to an episode during the Spring and Autumn period in China (722—481 BC). Goujian(越王勾践),the defeated King of the State of Yue,slept on fireword and tasted gall before taking meals and sleeping everyday,determined not to forget his national humiliation and resolved to take revenge on his enemy the State of Wu,which he eventually defeated after long preparations.

卧薪尝胆wò xīn chánɡ dǎn

胆:苦胆。春秋时期的越王勾践为了报仇,睡在柴草堆上,吃饭和睡觉之前都要尝一下苦胆的苦味,以此激励斗志,终于打败了吴国。比喻刻苦自励,发愤图强。undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen one’s resolve to wipe out a national humiliation, suffer extreme privation in order to build up the spirit of vengeance





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