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单词 南柯一梦

南柯一梦nán kē yī mèng

Nanke dream [from the story of a man who dreamed that he became governor of Nanke in the Kingdom of the Ants] —illusory joy;a pipe dream; a fond dream
❍ 这猴王打出城中,忽然绊着一个草纥𫅖,跌了个𨀁踵,猛的醒来,乃是~。(《西游记》40) After charging out through the city wall the Monkey King tripped over a clump of grass,tried to regain his balance,and woke up with a start. It had all been a dream.
❍ 夫妻再要重相见,夫人也,除非是南柯梦一场!(《关汉卿戏剧集·邓夫人苦痛哭存孝》339) Only in her dream shall we ever meet again.
❍ 转眼人千里,消魂梦一柯。(《周恩来青年时代诗选·送逢仙兄返里有感》6)In a twinkling,you’ll be miles away. All seems a dream—how soul-consuming!

南柯一梦nan ke yi meng

a Nanke dream (meaning an illusory joy)

南柯一梦nán kē yī mènɡ

指做美梦,事实上并不存在。a fond dream, illusory joy, dream, an empty dream





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