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❶ (拿东西换钱) sell: 拍 ~ sell at auction; 转 ~ resell; 挂羊头 ~ 狗肉是他们的惯技。 To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice. 你愿意 ~, 我们就买。 If you're willing to sell, we'll buy. 他们组的苹果 ~ 得很快。 His group's apples were selling very fast. 新纪念邮票全 ~ 完了。 The new commemora ̄tive stamps are all sold out. 这样质量的商品绝对 ~ 不出去。 Goods of that quality will never sell.
❷ (出卖) betray: ~ 友求荣 betray one's friend to obtain promotion
❸ (尽量用出来; 不吝惜) do one's best; exert to the utmost: ~ 力气 exert all one's strength; do one's very best; exert oneself to the utmost
❹ (故意表现) show off : 好 ~ 功 like to show off one's merit Ⅱ (旧时饭馆中称一个菜为一卖) a dish (in the old times)
◆卖报人 news vendor; 卖唱 sing for a living; 卖掉 sell off; sell out; put off; 卖方 the selling party; seller; vendor; 卖方市场 sellers' market; 卖功 parade one's merits; show off what one has done; 卖狗皮膏药 sell quack remedies; be a quack peddling dogskin plasters; palm things off on people; 卖瓜的说瓜甜 Every peddler praises his own needles.; 卖关子 stop a story at a climax to keep the listeners in suspense; keep people guessing; 卖国 betray one's country; turn traitor to one's country; 卖国求荣 seek after glory by selling out one's own country; betray one's country in order to get a high position; betray one's country to obtain a promotion; 卖国投降 capitulate and engage in national betrayal; 卖价 selling price; 卖劲儿 exert all one's strength; spare no effort; 卖空 “short selling”; bear; short sale; selling short; sell short; short covering; short; taking a position; 卖力(气) exert oneself to the utmost; do one's very best; exert all one's strength; spare no effort; work hard; do all one can; live by the sweat of one's brow; make a living by manual labour; 卖命 work oneself to the bone for sb.; work oneself to death for sb.; die unworthy for; 卖弄 show off; parade; 卖弄笔墨 smell of the inkhorn; throw fancy word around; pedantic; inkhorn; 卖弄风情 play the coquette; coquette; flirt; 卖弄口舌 show off one's glibness in speech or wits; 卖弄噱头 play to the gallery; try tricks; 卖弄学问 show off one's learning [knowledge]; parade one's knowledge; be pedantic; 卖契 bill of sale; contract of sale; 卖俏 play the coquette; coquette; flirt; 卖人情 do sth. for good will; 卖身 sell oneself or a member of one's family; sell one's body; sell one's soul; 卖身求荣 sell one's soul for self-advancement; 卖身投靠 hire oneself out to ...; barter away one's honour for sb.'s patronage; basely offer to serve some reactionary bigwig; 卖文度日 boil the pot; 卖文为生 write for a living; depend on one's pen for a living; make a living by one's pen; subsist by the pen; 卖笑 be forced to earn a living by prostitution or singing; 卖笑生涯 make a living by prostitution; 卖艺 make a living as a performer; 卖淫 prostitution; 卖主 seller; bargainor; vendor; 卖座 draw large audiences; attract large numbers of customers





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