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Ⅰ ❶ (空虚) void; emptiness: 乘 ~ 而入 infiltrate by taking advantage of the other side's unpre ̄ paredness; exploit a weak point; 凌 ~ soar to the skies; 太 ~ the great void; the universe
❷ (政治思想等方面的道理) guiding principles; theory: 务 ~ discuss principles or ideological guidelines; 以 ~ 带实。Let correct ideology guide practical work.
❸ (二十八宿之一) Xu, one of the lunar mansions
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 子羔 Xu Zigao Ⅱ (空着) reserve space: ~ 左以待 reserve the honoured post for someone competent Ⅲ ❶ (空着的) empty; void; unoccupied: 座无 ~ 席。 There was no empty seat.; All seats were occupied.
❷ (心虚; 勇气不足) diffident; timid: 胆 ~ timid; milk-livered; 心里有点 ~ feel rather diffident
❸ (不真实; 虚假) false; nominal: ~ 名 false reputation; 耳闻为 ~, 眼见为实。 What you hear about may be false; what you see is true.
❹ (不自满; 虚心) humble; modest: 谦 ~ modest
❺ (虚弱) weak; in poor health: 气 ~ lacking in vital energy; sapless; 身体很 ~ be very weak physically; 他病后感到很 ~。 He felt very weak after his illness.
❻ {物} (虚的) virtual: ~ 位移 virtual displacement; ~ 阴极 virtual cathode Ⅳ (徒然; 白白地) in vain: 不 ~ 此行 have not made the trip in vain; 箭不 ~ 发。 Not a single arrow missed its target.
◆虚报 make a false report; false declaration; false return; misrepresentation; 虚报冒领 make a fraudulent application and claim; 虚报名额 There are many registered names of people who don't exist.; 虚报邀功 seek merit by false pretenses; 虚不掩实 False appearances can never cover up facts.; 虚词 {语} function word; form word; empty word; grammatically-partial word; structural word; syncategorematic word; 虚点 imaginary point; 虚度 spend time in vain; let slip idly by; waste time; 虚度光阴 loaf [idle; fool; dream] away one's time; dawdle away one's time; fiddle about doing nothing; fiddle away time; lead an idle life; loiter the hours away; pass one's life in a good-for-nothing way; waste the precious time; 虚度年华 waste one's life; flounder around; idle away one's precious time; idle away one's youth; pass the years in vain; pass one's youthful days in vain; spend one's days vainly; spend vainly the best of one's days; waste one's youth in worthless pursuits; 虚度韶光 vainly live through one's prime; loiter away one's glorious youth; 虚度时光 idle away one's time; lose time by idleness; spend the hour idly; 虚度一生 idle away one's life; dream away [out; through] one's life; let one's life slip idly by; loaf through life; pass one's life in vain; 虚(反应)堆 image reactor; virtual reactor; 虚浮 impractical; superficial; 虚功 {力} virtual work; 虚构 fabricate; make up; fiction; 虚光 {摄} vignette; vignetting; 虚寒 cold of insufficiency type; insufficiency- cold; deficiency-cold; 虚汗 abnormal sweating due to general debility; 虚耗公帑 waste public funds; 虚怀若谷 have a mind as open as a valley — very modest; be extremely open-minded; be in a receptive mood; be open to conviction; free from pride and prejudices; from a sense of one's inadequacy; modest and open-minded; 虚怀听纳 receive instruction in humble manner; 虚幻 unreal; illusory; imaginary; 虚晃 feint; deceptive move ̄ ment; 虚晃一枪 make a gesture of attacking; a make- believe thrust [firing of a gun]; 虚晃一枪, 回马便走 make a feint and turn the horse round to retreat; 虚火 {中医} fire of deficiency type; deficiency fire; 虚火上升 easily get excited; irascible; 虚己以听 listen with an open mind; humble oneself before truth and listen attentively to what others have to say; listen patiently; listen to criticisms attentively; 虚假 false; sham; 虚价{经济} nominal price; 虚惊 false alarm; 虚景幻影 a phantasmagoria; a castle in the air [in Spain]; 虚空 vacant space; hollow; void; 虚夸 exaggerative; bombastic; boastful; 虚痨[劳] {中医} consumption; consumptive disease; asthenic disease; 虚礼 empty forms; mere courtesy; 虚利 nominal profit; 虚粒子 virtual particle; 虚卖 wash sale; 虚脉 {中医} feeble pulse; 虚名 undeserved reputation; bubble reputation; 虚名无实 have an empty reputation; 虚拟 invented; fictitious; suppositional; 虚牌价 nominal quotation; 虚盘 offer without engage ̄ ment; (非实盘) non-firm offer; 虚胖 {医} puffiness; 虚情假意 false display of affection; be very nice to sb. but not sincere; His friendliness is all pretence.; hypocritical show of cordiality; hypocritical show of friendship; put up a phoney show; 虚热 {中医} asthenic fever; deficiency-heat; 虚荣 vanity; vain glory; 虚荣心vanity; 虚弱 in poor health; weak; debilitated; weak; feeble; flabby; 虚弱不堪 be as weak as a cat [water]; 虚设 nominal; existing in name only; exist nominally only; 虚声 make a empty show of strength; make a deceptive show of power; 虚实 false or true — the actual situation (as of the opposing side); deficiency and excess; 虚数 unreliable figure; imaginary number; 虚岁 nominal age; 虚抬利润 inflated profits; 虚套子 mere formalities; conventiona ̄ lities; 虚同步 false synchronization; 虚脱 {医} collapse; prostration; 虚脱谵妄 collapse delirium; 虚妄 unfounded; fabricated; invented; 虚伪 sham; false; hypocritical; 虚伪陈述 misstatement; 虚位移 virtual displacement; 虚位以待 leave a seat vacant for sb.; A vacant seat awaits (him).; leave the post vacant for the desired or desirable to fill it; leave the seat of honour open; reserve a seat for sb.; reserve the honored post for sb. competent; save a seat for sb.; 虚文 rules and regulations that have become a dead letter; dead letter; mere formalities; empty forms; 虚文浮礼 mere formalities; conventiona ̄ lities; 虚文褥节 empty forms; red-tape; 虚无 nihility; nothingness; 虚无缥缈 with no reality whatever; abstruse, vague and insubstantial; entirely unreal; illusory; in the clouds; in the misty void; nothing to hold on; purely imaginary; vague with nothing in it; visionary; 虚无妄想 {心理} nihilism; nihilistic delusion; 虚席[座]以待 reserve a seat for sb.; leave a seat vacant for sb.; leave a vacant seat for someone; 虚衔 nominal title; 虚线 dotted line; line of dashes; {数} imaginary line; 虚像 {物} virtual image; 虚心 open-minded; modext; with an open mind; modest; with an open mind; 虚心好学 be modest and eager to learn; 虚心求教 ready to listen to advice; willing to take advice; 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.; 虚虚实实 the true mingled with the false; a mixture of truth and falsehood; in appearance or in fact; interweave truth with fiction; seemingly false and real at the same time; sometimes false, sometimes true; 虚悬 imagine; invent; 虚掩 with the door left unlocked or unlatched; 虚拽弓弦 lay hands upon one's bow and make as if to shoot; 虚阴极 virtual cathode; 虚应故事 fulfill part of one's daily routine; do sth. as a mere matter of form; do sth. for form's sake only; do sth. in a perfunctory manner; do sth. perfunctorily as a mere matter of form or as a routine practice; do the routine things superficially and have done with it; go through the motions; perform a duty perfunctorily; 虚有其表 look impressive but lack real worth; appear better than it is; apple of Sodom; attractive or imposing only in his [its; her] outside appearance; Dead Sea apple; deceptively handsome; good in appearance only — to appear better than it is; good looks without substantial ability [competence; aptitude]; One's qualifications are superficial.; merely ornamental without solidity; 虚有之物 a blue rose; 虚与委蛇 deal with sb. courteously but without sincerity; humor people with professions of friendly concern; play the hyprocrite with every semblance of sincerity; pretend politeness and compliance; pretend to feel [have] interest and sympathy; pretend to be polite and compliant; put sb. off with fair words; 虚圆点 {数} circular points; focoid; imaginary circular point; 虚造 fabricate; cook up; 虚则补之 treating deficiency with tonification; 虚张声势 make an empty show of strength; be swashbuckling; be full of bravado; bluff and bluster; bluff purposely; borrowed plumes; flourish [flaunt] one's authority; make a tremendous show of force deliberately; make [put on; put up] a false show of strength; make a great show of force; make a pompous but empty show (of power) and influence; make a pretense (of power); make a deceptive show of power; make an empty [outward] show; maintain the appearance of strength; put up [on] a bluff; play a game of bluff; put up a bold front; whistle in the dark; 虚症 {中医} asthenic symptoms; deficiency syndrome; 虚中有实, 实中有虚 provide for the real in the unreal and for the unreal in the real; The hollow is to be regarded as solid and the solid as hollow.; 虚中之虚 the shadow of a shadow; 虚肿 puffiness; 虚字 empty word; function word; form word; 虚字眼儿 function word; form word; 虚左以待 reserve the honored post for (someone competent); leave the seat of honor for sb.; 虚做人情 manifest a little pretended kindness

asthenia; deficiency; weakness;hypofunction





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