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单词 半死不活

半死不活bàn sǐ bù huó

half-dead; more dead than alive; dead alive; neither dead nor alive
❍ 现在是~,却还要用铁圈穿了鼻子,再用索子牵着做戏。(鲁迅《准风月谈》 102) Half dead and alive as it is,its nose has still to be pierced with an iron ring to which a rope is attached,and by this it is dragged along to do its tricks.
❍ 可是,就在他们刚刚爬上公路的时候,这个一直装作~的家伙,突然用脚抵住路边一棵小白杨树,狠狠蹬了几脚。(杨佩瑾《剑》239) But they had barely reached the highway,when the fellow,pretending to be half dead,suddenly stamped his foot on a small poplar.
❍ 在他~的那些灾难的年头,老伴待承他太好哩。(柳青《创业史》285) In those years of disaster when he was more dead than alive,his old wife had been very kind to him.
❍ 周大勇问: “嗨! 怎么逮了个~的家伙?” (杜鹏程《保卫延安》357) “Why did you bring a man that’s half dead?” demanded Dayong.
❍ 他看见有些好好的企业放在没见识、没手段、没胆量的庸才手里,弄成~,他是恨得什么似的。(茅盾《子夜》83) He hated to see good industries go to rack and ruin in the hands of inexperienced,inefficient,timorous or mediocre men.


half dead;in coma;moribund

半死不活bàn sǐ bù huó

义同“半死半活”。same as “半死半活”。





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