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❶ (由低往高移动) rise; hoist; go up; ascend: ~ 帆 hoist a sail; 把旗 ~ 到旗杆顶端。 Hoist the flag to the top of the pole. 气球缓缓 ~ 上天空。 The balloon rose up slowly into the air. 太阳从东方 ~ 起。 The sun rises in the east. 我们看着迷雾由山谷 ~ 起。 We watched the mists ascending from the valley.
❷ (等级提高) promote: ~ 为教授 be promoted professor; 他由职员 ~ 为经理。 He was promoted from a clerk to a manager. 他们让他 ~ 入了二年级。 They promoted him into the second year class. Ⅱ ❶ (容量单位) litre (l.): 一 ~ 啤酒 a litre of beer
❷ (容量单位) sheng, a unit of dry measure for grain (= 1 litre) Ⅲ ❶ (量粮食的器具) a sheng measure
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 元 Sheng Yuan
◆ 升班 go up (one grade in school);
升船机 ship lift;
升调 {语} rising tune or tone;
升高 go up; rise; ascend; go up; promote; raise; heighten; power-up;
升官 advancement;
升官发财 win promotion and get rich; be successful in both politics and business; (be out for) power and money; promote in office and become rich; seek position and wealth; (to want) to be an official and have an easy life;
升号 {音} sharp;
升华 {物} sublimation; raising of things to a higher level; distillation;
升级 upgrade; promotion; go up (one grade, etc.); promote; escalate;
升降 promotion and demotion; go up and down;
升降舵 {航空} elevator;
升空 lift-off; levitation;
升力 elevating force; lift force; buoyancy; lift;
升幂 ascending powers; increasing powers;
升平 peace;
升旗 hoist a flag; raise a flag;
升起 assurgent; rise; takeoff; ascent; {天} ascension; uprise;
升迁 be transferred and promoted (to a higher post); promotion;
升水 {经} premium;
升速 raising speed;
升堂 [旧] (of the judge) hold court trial;
升堂入室 pass through the hall into the inner chamber — have profound scholarship; become highly proficient in one's profession; gain [get; obtain] the mastery of ...; reach a higher level in one's studies; reach [gain] the inner sanctum;
升腾 leap up; rise;
升天 go up to the heaven, i.e. die;
升限 {航空} ceiling;
升学 go to a school of a higher grade; enter a higher school;
升压 step up; boost; boosting; step-up;
升涨 go up; rise;
升值 {经} revalue; appreciate; upvaluation; appreciation

C大调C sharp major

E调E sharp




ascend; lift; elevate





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