释义 |
此cǐ ❶ (这;这个) this: ~ 处 this place;here;~ 等 this kind;such as these;~ 人 this person;~ 项 this item ❷ (此时;此地) now;here: 从 ~ 以后 from now on;henceforward; 由 ~ 往南 go south from here ◆此岸 this shore;temporality; 此辈 people of this type [ilk];such (sort of) people; 此地 this place;here; 此地无银三百两 No 300 taels of silver buried here. — a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure;A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.;a very poor lie which reveals the truth;protest one's innocence too much; 此后 after that;after this;from now on;henceforth;hereafter; 此呼彼应 echo one another;act in coordination with each other;responding to each other;act in coordination with each other;take concerted action; 此间 around here;here; 此刻 this moment;now;at present;just now; 此路不通 Road Closed;No thoroughfare.;Not a Through Road!;Road is blocked.;There is no thoroughfare!;此起彼伏 As one falls,another rises.;flux and reflux;rise one after another;... rising here and subsiding there;up here,down there; 此时 this moment;right now;now;at present;for the time being; 此外 besides;in addition;furthermore;moreover; 此一时,彼一时 This is one situation and that was another. — Circumstances have changed with the passage of time.;The condition at present is very much different from that of the past.;Things are now different from what they were.;Times have changed.; 此致敬礼 With best [kindest] wishes.;with high respect;respectfully |