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单词 千真万确

千真万确qiān zhēn wàn què

absolutely true; as sure as a gun (/as death/as eggs is eggs/as fate/as one lives/as nails); be a hundred per cent true;every word in it is true; no doubt about it
❍ ~,这是区委书记办下的事情。(柳青《创业史》394) This was the work of the district committee Communist Party secretary.That was a hundred per cent true.
❍ 特别“啊”字拉得声音很长,好象这五个字表明他说的是~,不听就会有大祸临头那样可怕。(冯志《敌后武工队》252) He emphasized this last sentence by stressing each word,as if this was the final verdict and failure to accept it would invite disaster.
❍ 我这是~的可靠消息,…… (冯志《敌后武工队》459) This is completely reliable information.
❍ 伪办公人把刘魁胜的特征说得~,……(冯志《敌后武工队》234) Other puppet personnel joined in describing Commander Liu down to the last de tail.
❍ 说得~,不叫我亲眼看一看我还是不相信。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》502) Even if every word in it is true I won’t belive it until I can see her with my own eyes./“~!”这个游击队员很不平静地说;……(杨佩瑾《剑》193) “No doubt about it,” went on the guerrilla very calmly.
❍ 营长的姨太太已经避到县里去了。还是雇的王麻子的船,~。(茅盾《子夜》108) The colonel’s concubine’s cleared out already. She went on Pockmarked Wang’s boat. True as I stand here!/从我一生的经历,我悟出了一条~的真理; 只有社会主义才能解放科学,也只有在科学的基础上才能建设社会主义。(郭沫若《科学的春天》) Vindicated by my lifelong experience,one unassailable truth has dawned upon me:only socialism can liberate science, and the building of socialism is possible only when it is done on the basis of science.
❍ 从前他在我们楚国做过小偷,偷过丞相家里的璧玉,我看是~的。(郭沫若《屈原》97)I have heard that he used to be a thief,and that he stole the jade in our counsellor’s house. I think that must be true.


absolutely true
~的真理 irrefutable truth

千真万确qiān zhēn wàn què

形容非常真实、确切。as sure as a gun, as sure as death(fate), absolutely true, really and truly, as large as life, be real and true





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