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单词 千奇百怪

千奇百怪qiān qí bǎi guài

all kinds (/sorts) of strange things; amazing happenings of every description; an infinite variety of fantastic phe nomena; exceedingly strange
❍ 连头带尾五十四年,凭着大惊小怪,~的事,也经了些,从没经过这些事! (《红楼梦》583) In my fifty-four years first and last here,I’ve had plenty of shocks and frights and seen all manner of amazing happenings—but never such scandalous carryings-on as yours.
❍ 且说袭人自幼儿见宝玉性格异常,其淘气憨顽出于众小之外,更有几件~口不能言的毛病儿。(《红楼梦》222)❶As for Aroma,these years had shown her that Baoyu was no ordinary youth but more high-spirited and wilful than other boys,with some indescribably perverse streaks in his character.
❷Since early youth Aroma had always been aware that Baoyu’s character was peculiar. His naughtiness and intract-ability exceeded those of normal boys,and in addition he had a number of extraordinary eccentricities of his own which she could scarcely even have put a name to.
❍ 可是竟又会有 “肉麻当有趣”,述说得津津有味的,天下事真是~。(鲁迅《华盖集续编》21) …and the way they gush about him makes one’s flesh creep. This proves that wonders never cease.

千奇百怪qiān qí bǎi ɡuài

形容各种各样奇怪的东西和现象。all kinds of strange things, an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena, exceedingly strange





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