单词 | 发号施令 |
释义 | 发号施令fā hào shī lìngboss about (/around);call the tune (/shots/turn); dictate laws; give (the)law to sb; issue (/give) orders; lay down the law;order people about/“文子,你去吧,听妈妈的话,”说到这里,声音更低沉,生怕那位~的家主听见了。“去帮你耶耶写写。”(周立波《山乡巨变》95)“Son,go and do as mother tells you,”then,fearing that the commanding head of the family might hear,she lowered her voice still further: “and write it for your father.”/那孩子……又聪明,又大胆,和旁的小孩一处玩,总是他~,活象个小司令官,因此都叫他将军呢。(杨朔《三千里江山》69)Clever and daring,he always took the lead in the children’s games. As he ordered them about like a general,people called him “Kangkunni”(the gen eral)./他也可以不待别人推举,径自封为“领袖”,自己爬到负责的位置上,家长式地在党内~,企图教训我们党,责骂党内的一切,任意打击、处罚和摆布我们的党员。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》11) They went so far as to appoint themselves “the leaders” without being chosen,climbed into positions of authority,issued orders to the Party like patriarchs,tried to lecture our Party,abused everything in the Party,wilfully attacked and punished our Party members and pushed them around. 发号施令issue orders;order people about;boss sb around 发号施令fā hào shī lìnɡ施:发布。发布命令,多形容喜欢指挥他人。lay down the law, issue orders, command, order people about, call the tune (shots, turn), boss, dictate, issue orders |
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