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单词 势均力敌

势均力敌shì jūn lì dí

balance of power(/strength); be a match for each other; be in an equilibrium; be closely (/evenly)matched (antago nists); diamond cut diamond; match each other in strength; neck and neck; nip and tuck; on a level with; 〔in a competition,etc.〕tight; a Roland for an Oliver
❍ 本来两方是~的,但不知怎地,他的脑袋撞在墙壁上,见了红,那一个觉得已经闯祸,而且也许觉得已经胜利,便一溜烟逃走。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—49) Both contestants were evenly matched,but somehow our hero’s head was knocked against the brick wall and blood flowed. The other lad,perhaps fearing that he had gone to extremes,or perhaps considering himself already victorious,scooted off like a streak.
❍ 但他近来挨了饿,又瘦又气已经不下于小D,所以便成了~的现象……(《鲁迅选集》上—66)…but since he had recently suffered from hunger himself he was now as thin and weakly as his opponent,so that they presented a spectacle of evenly matched antagonists.


balance of power


match each other in strength
双方~the two sides are evenly matched/一场~的比赛 a close contest; an evenlymatched trial of strength

势均力敌shì jūn lì dí

均:平均;敌:相当。形容双方力量相当,难分上下。match each other in strength balance of power, close match, be in equilibrium





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