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❶ (劳动) work; labour: 不 ~ 则无获。 No pains, no gains。
❷ (烦劳) put sb. to the trouble of; trouble sb. with sth. : ~ 您费心了。 I'm sorry to trouble you a lot. ~ 你帮个忙。 Will you please do me a favour [give me a hand]?
❸ (慰劳) express one's appreciation (to the performer of a task); reward; bring gifts to: 犒 ~ reward with food and drink; ~ 军 bring greetings and gifts to army units Ⅱ (辛劳; 烦劳; 疲劳) hard; wearisome; tired Ⅲ ❶ (功劳) merit; achievements; service: 勋 ~ meritorious service; 汗马之 ~ war exploits; one's contributions in work
❷ (劳动者) workers; labourers: ~ 资纠纷 trouble between workers and management
❸ (劳苦; 疲劳) fatigue; toil: 任 ~ 任怨 willingly bear the burden of office; 积 ~ 成疾 break down from constant overwork
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Lao Hui
◆劳保 [简] labour insurance; labour protection; 劳瘁 [书] exhausted from excessive work; worn-out; 劳动 work; labour; physical labour; manual labour; 劳动锻炼 temper oneself through manual labour; 劳动法 Labour Law; 劳动服务公司 labour service company; employment service company; 劳动改造 reform (criminals) through labour; undergo reform through labour; 劳动合同 labour contract; 劳动教养 undergo education through labour; reeducation (of juvenile delinquents) through labour; indoctrination through labour; 劳动节 International Labour Day; 劳动力 labour force; work force; labour; capacity for physical labour; able-bodied person; 劳动力市场 the labour market; 劳动密集型产品 products of labour-intensive; 劳动密集型经济 labour-intensive economy; labour-using economy; 劳动密集型企业 enterprises of labour-intensive; labour-using enterprises; 劳动能力鉴定 working capacity identification; 劳动用工制度 system of hiring workers; 劳动者 labourer; worker; 劳动争议 labour disputation; 劳动争议处理机构 institution of labour disputation conduct; 劳动争议仲裁机构 labour disputation's arbitration institute; 劳顿 [书] (劳累) fatigued; wearied; 劳而无功 toil with no gain; a fruitless attempt; All one's efforts came to naught.; exert oneself to no purpose; labour lost; lost labour; make futile efforts; much cry and little wool; toil in vain; work hard but to no avail劳乏 physically exhausted; tired; overworked; 劳方 labour; 劳改 [简] reform through labour; 劳工 [旧] labourer; worker; 劳绩 merits and accomplishments; 劳驾 Excuse me.; May I trouble you?; have the goodness to do sth.; 劳金[旧] payment to shop assistants or farmhands; 劳苦 toil; hard work; 劳苦功高 have worked hard and performed a valuable service; with toilsome labour and distinctive [unparalleled] merits; with toilsome service and with high merits — to work for the nation with great merits; 劳累 tired; exhausted; run-down; overworked; 劳力labour; labour force; able-bodied person; 劳碌 work hard; toil; 劳民伤财 harass the people and waste money; be a sheer waste of energy and money; exhaust [exploit] the people and drain the treasury; spend blood and treasure; tire the people and drain the treasury; waste money and manpower; 劳模 [简] model worker; 劳其筋骨 toil flesh and bone; 劳伤 internal lesion caused by overexertion; 劳神 be a tax on (one's mind); bother; trouble; 劳师 [书] take greetings; and gifts to army units; tire troops; 劳师动众 mobilize too many troops; belabour the people; drag in lots of people; 劳什子 [方] nuisance; a hated thing; 劳损 {医} strain; 劳务 labour service; personal service; 劳务报酬 reward for personal services; 劳务出口 exporting services; 劳务费 service charge; 劳务公司 the labour service company; 劳务合同 contract of services; contract for labour service; 劳务合作 labour service cooperation; 劳务市场 labour market; labour service market; 劳心 work with one's mind [brains]; 劳心者治人Those who work with their brains will rule.; Those who labour with minds govern others.; 劳心者治人, 劳力者治于人 Those who toil with their minds make others work for them while those who toil with their hands work for others and serve those who use their minds.; Those who do mental labour rule and those who do manual labour are ruled.; Those who work with their brains rule and those who work with their brawn are ruled.; 劳燕分飞 be like birds flying in different directions; going in different ways; The couple is forced to part.; The couple has been torn apart against their own wishes.; the shrike and swallow flying in different directions — to part from each other.; 劳役corvee; forced labour; penal servitude; 劳逸 labour and rest; 劳逸结合 strike a proper balance between work and rest [leisure]; alternate work with rest; alternate work with rest and recreation; combine exertion and rest; combine [mix] work with adequate rest; interchange labour and repose; 劳资 labour and capital; 劳资关系 labour relations; 劳资合同 labour contract; 劳资纠纷 the labour trouble


❶overstrain;exhaustion; taxation
❷consumptive disease





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