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单词 abstract
abstractadj & n/′æbstrækt/;vt/ æb′strækt/ [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

adj(1)抽象的(that which exists in thought instead of being physically real)[无comp]:an~idea/argument/principle/noun 抽象的概念/论据/原理/名词;~thought/reasoning 抽象思维/推理;~words like “justice” 像“正义”这样的抽象字眼;Truth/Beauty is~.真理/美是抽象的。〖同〗theoretic-(al);〖反〗concrete,material;

(2)泛泛(不明晰)的(general as opposed to particular;not clear):His reasoning seems/His ideas on this matter seem rather(very)~.他的推理/他对这事的意见太(非常)笼统。The explanation is too~for me.这解释太空洞,我听不明白。The plans were too~to be put into operation.这些计划太空泛,无法实施。an~sense of duty 朦胧的责任感;〖同〗general;〖反〗specific;

(3)抽象派的((of art) connected with colourshapepatternsetc rather than showing things as they really appear):an~painting/sculpture/painter/art 抽象派画作/雕塑/画家/艺术;Modern art is often rather~.现代艺术常常太抽象。〖反〗concrete;

n(1)抽象(概念和性质)(abstract idea or quality)[C];

(2)抽象派艺术品(an abstract paintingsculptureetc)[C]:a painter of~s 抽象派画家;paint~s 画抽象派画;

(3)摘(提)要(a brief account of a bookstatementspeechetc)[C]:make an~of a lecture/a speech/a book/an article 做讲演/讲话/书/文章的摘要;〖同〗summary;

in the abstract 笼统(不具体)地,理论上:He always deals with problems in the~and never thinks of practical details.他处理问题总是很笼统,从来不考虑细节。

vt(1)提炼(取),抽出(remove sth by drawing out gently; separate sth from sth) [T+n+prep(from)]:processes to~metal from ore 从矿砂中提炼金属的过程;This machine~s salt from sea water.这台机器用海水提炼盐。〖同〗extract,remove,separate;〖反〗add,mix,unite,combine;

(2)摘要(make a brief account of a bookstatementspeechetc)[T+n]:~a book/an article 做一本书/一篇文章的摘要;It is not easy to~his speech.写出他讲话的摘要不容易。〖同〗summarize;

(3)使抽象(化)(consider as a general quality apart from specific objects or instances)[T+n]:~the motion of time,space and matter 使时间、空间和物质的概念抽象化;~the common qualities of mankind from a group of individuals 从一群个体中归纳出人类的共同特性;

→ ab′stracted adj 心不在焉的;ab-′stractedly adv 心不在焉地;出神地;ab′straction n心不在焉,发愣;提炼,抽取;不切实际的念头





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