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单词 加官进禄

加官进禄jiā guān jìn lù

be promoted with in creased emoluments; rise in the official world
❍ 新春大喜大福,荣贵平安,~,万事如意。(《红楼梦》665) May the New Year bring you great happiness and good fortune,wealth,nobility and peace. May you be promoted with increased emoluments and have all your wishes come true.
❍ 门子忙上前请安,笑问: “老爷一向~,八九年来,就忘了我了”?(《红楼梦》43)❶…who went down on one knee in salute,then said with a smile:“Your Honour has risen steadily in the official world.After eight or nine years,do you still remember me?”
❷…with a broad smile on his face,he came forward and touched his hand and knee to the ground in the Manchu salute. ‘Your Honour has gone a long way up in the world during these past eight or nine years!I don’t expect you would remember me! ’





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:32:18