割ɡē (截断) cut;mow:~ 水稻 cut paddy; 分 ~ cut apart;break up; 我们得把大田里的高草 ~ 掉。 We shall have to mow down the tall grass in the big field. ◆割爱 give up what one treasures;part with some cherished possession; 割爱见遗 give away one's beloved thing to another;part with the thing and make a present of it; 割鼻挖眼 cut off the nose and gouge out the eyes; 割草机 cropper;grass cutter;field mower;hay mower;lawn-mower;mower; 割草镰刀 grass hook; 割草搂草机 cutrake; 割草切碎机 mower-shredder;shredder- mower; 割草人 grasscut; 割草压扁机 mower-crusher; 割草-压扁-铺条联合作业机 mower-conditioner-windrower; 割草装载机 cutlift; 割草装置 mowing-apparatus; 割茬高度 cutting height; 割除 cut off;cut out;excise; 割处再生 epimorphosis; 割刀 cutting knife;cutting-off tool;sickle; 割地 cede territory; 割地赔款 cede territory and pay indemnities; 割地求和 cede territory and ask for peace;beg for peace by ceding territory to another country;sacrifice some territory in order to make peace; 割点 {数} cut point; 割肚牵肠 be deeply concerned;be kept in suspense;feel anxious; 割断 sever;cut off [apart];chop up;lop off; 割断价格联系 sever the relationship in prices; 割干草刀 hay knife; 割秆刀 stalk cutter; 割管机 pipe cutter; 割管螺纹刀具 pipe-threading tool; 割灌刀 {林} bush knife;machete; 割鸡焉用牛刀 Why use an oxcleaver to kill a chicken?;Why break a butterfly on the wheel?;割集 {计} cut set; 割浆工 tapper; 割胶 rubber tapping; 割据 set up a separatist regime by force of arms; 割炬 cutting blowpipe;cutting torch; 割捆机 {农} self-binder;binder;gleaner;reaper-and-binder;reaper-binder;sheaf binder; 割礼 {宗} circumcision; 割裂 cut apart;separate;isolate;carve up;rend; 割蜜 cut off the honey comb in order to get honey; 割木片机 splint cutting machine; 割袍断义 break off all intercourse with a friend; 割平面 cutting plane; 割枪 burning torch; 割切 cut off;sever; 割取油脂 flense; 割让 cede; 割绒 {纺} velvet pile;cut pile; 割绒织物 cut pile fabric; 割肉补疮 cutting the flesh to cure a boil — a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty; 割肉充饥 cut off one's flesh to feed oneself; 割肉机 meat flenser; 割晒干草 haymaking; 割晒机 cutter-rower;cutter-windrower;swather;windrower; 割晒压扁机 conditioner-windrower; 割伤 incised wound; 割舍 give up;part with; 割绳刀 twine knife; 割碎机 masticator; 割穗机 grain header; 割铁凿 chisel for cutting iron; 割脱两用机 {农} harvester-thresher; 割苇机 reed cutter; 割尾巴 abandon painfully bad habit or ideology; 割纹 cut; 割席绝交 break up an old friendship;break off friendly relations with sb.;break off with one's friend;end the friendship with sb.;sever friendship;sever one's connections with sb.;cut off friendly relations; 割线 {数} secant;secant line;transversal; 割屑 {机} cuttings; 割圆 {数} cyclotomy;cyclotomic; 割治[脂]疗法 {医} cutting therapy; 割嘴 cutting torch |