答[荅]dā(构词成分):~ 碴儿 [- chár] [方] pick up the thread of a conversation and take part in it;~ 理 [- li] acknowledge (sb.'s greeting,etc.);respond;answer;~ 腔 [- qiānɡ] answer;respond;~ 应 [- yinɡ] ❶ (应声回答) answer;reply;respond ❷ (许诺) promise;comply with ❸ (同意) agree;consent;~ 允 [- yǔn] undertake 另见 see also dá。
答[荅]dá ❶ (回答) answer;reply;respond:对 ~ 如流 answer fluently;fluent repartee; 笑而不 ~ smile without replying ❷ (还报) return (a visit,etc.);reciprocate:报 ~ repay;requite; 酬 ~ thank sb. with a gift;respond with a poem or speech 另见 see also dā。 ◆答案 answer;solution;key; 答拜 return a courtesy call;pay a return visit; 答辩 reply (to a charge,query or an argument);reply in support of one's own idea or opinion;make open reply; 答词 thank-you speech;answering speech;reply;speech in reply;response; 答对 answer sb.'s question;(make a) reply; 答非所问 give an irrelevant answer;an answer wide of [off] the mark;answer beyond the question;answer sb. ignoring his question;answer what is not asked;The answer evades the question.;The answer is beside the question.; 答复 formal reply;reply (formally);answer; 答话 answer;reply; 答记者问 answering to reporters' request; 答卷 answer sheet;answer questions in an examination paper;(examination) paper; 答礼 reciprocate another's courtesy;return a solute; 答数 {数} answer;solution; 答谢 express appreciation (for sb.'s kindness or hospital ̄ity);acknowledge |