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单词 前车之鉴

前车之鉴前车之覆,后车之鉴;覆车之鉴;前车可鉴qián chē zhī jiàn

previous examples to take warning from; lessons drawn from others’ mistakes(/failures); warning taken from the overturned cart ahead;precedents from which one must draw lessons;profit (/learn) by the follies of one’s predecessors
❍ 他读着信,先叹几口气。后来说:“你看,这就是~。” (巴金《春天里的秋天》) He sighed while reading it. Afterwards he said: “Look,this should be a lesson to you.”/前车可鉴,你们就应当特别慎重些。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 I —235) You should learn something from such lessons and be much more cautious this time.
❍ 阿比西尼亚的覆辙,前车可鉴。(《毛泽东选集》319) Let us take warning from the fall of Abyssinia.
❍ 前车可鉴,听说阿尔志跋绥夫曾答一个少女的质问说,“惟有在人生的事实这本身中寻出欢喜者,可以活下去。倘若在那里什么也不见,他们其实倒不如死。”(鲁迅《朝花夕拾》29) We should take warning from previous examples. I have heard that in answer to a girl’s question M. Artsybashev once said: Finding happiness in life itself is the only way to go on living;those who can find none would be better dead.


warning taken from the overturned cart ahead—lesson drawn from others’mistakes (or from previous mishaps)

前车之鉴qián chē zhī jiàn

鉴:镜子,引申为教训。比喻从先前的失败中得来的教训。lessons drawn from others’ mistakes, take warning from a previous failure





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