释义 |
激jīⅠ ❶ (水因受到阻碍或震荡而向上涌) swash;surge;dash: 海水冲击礁石,~ 起高高的浪花。 Swashing against the rocks,the breakers sent up a fountain of spray. 一石 ~ 起千层浪。A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples. ❷ (冷水突然刺激身体使得病) fall ill from getting wet: 他叫雨 ~ 着了。 He caught a chill from getting wet in the rain. ❸ [方] (用冷水冲或泡食物等使变凉) chill (by putting in ice water,etc.): 把西瓜放在水里 ~ 一 ~ chill a watermelon in cold water ❹ (使发作;使感情冲动) arouse;stimulate;excite: ~ 起我们学习科学技术的热情 arouse our enthusiasm for studying science and technology; 对该议案的否决 ~ 起人民的愤慨。 The rejection of this measure aroused the people to indignation. 我把他 ~ 怒了。 I excited him to anger. ❺ (感情激动) excite;stir: 不胜感 ~ be deeply grateful;feel very much indebted;~ 于义愤 be stirred by righteous indignation Ⅱ ❶ (急剧;强烈) sharp;fierce;violent: ~战 fierce fighting; 过 ~ too drastic ❷ [书] (鲜明) bright Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 章 Ji Zhang ◆激昂 roused;aroused;excited and indignant;be emotionally wrought up; 激昂慷慨 speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone; 激变 violent change;cataclysm; 激波 blast;shock wave; 激磁 excitation;initiation; 激荡 agitate;surge;rage; 激动 excite;stir;agitate;sensation;work up;agitation;excitement; 激动人心 arouse sb.'s feeling;stir the hearts of man; 激动万分 be beside oneself with excitement; 激发 arouse;stimulate;set off;stir up;{物} excitation;exciting;incitement;incitation;activating;energizing; 激奋 be roused to action;be stirred into activity; 激愤 wrathful;indignant;enraged; 激光 {物} laser; 激光唱机 compact disk (CD); 激光唱片 laser disk;laser disc; 激光唱头 laser pick-up; 激光打印机 laser printer; 激光电影 laser film; 激光复印机 laser copier; 激光排版 laser typesetting; 激光排版机 laser typesetter; 激光器 laser;optical maser;laser device; 激光拾音系统 laser pick-up system; 激光通信 laser communication; 激光卫星 laser satellite; 激光武器 laser weapon; 激光印刷机 laser printer; 激光照排机 laser phototypesetter; 激光治疗 laser treating; 激光束 laser beam; 激化 sharpen;intensify;flare-up;become acute; 激活 activation;sensitization;activate;sensitize;active; 激将法 prodding sb. into action;encourage sb. to do sth. by means of criticizing his ability;goading sb. into action; 激进 radical; 激浪 breaker;surf; 激冷 {冶} chilling;chin-chin hardening; 激励 encourage;impel;urge;inspire;excite;stimulate;put one on one's mettle.;{电子} drive;excitation;energize; 激励成本 stimulating cost; 激励理论 motivation theory; 激励管 excitron;driving tube;driver tube; 激励级 {讯} driver stage;driver unit;exciter; 激烈 intense;sharp;fierce;violent;acute; 激流 rapids;torrent;turbulent current;tornado;rush;rip; 激酶 kinase; 激怒 enrage;infuriate;exasperate; 激起 arouse;evoke;set fire to;set ... on fire;stir up; 激切 [书] impassioned;vehement; 激情 intense emotion;fervour;passion;enthusiasm; 激素 {生理} hormone; 激肽 kinin; 激体 activator; 激扬 drain away the mud and bring in fresh water;drive out evil and usher in good;encourage;urge; 激于义愤 be moved to action by righteous indignation; 激越 intense;vehement;loud and strong; 激增 jump from;increase sharply;soar;shoot up; 激战 fierce fighting;fierce battle;pitched battle; 激浊扬清 eliminate the impure from the pure — to cast out the wicked and cherish the virtuous;castigate the bad and extol the good; 激子 exciton |