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Ⅰ ❶ (在正面的) front: ~ 门[院] front door [courtyard]
❷ (次序在先的) first; top: ~ 六排座位 the first six rows of seats; ~ 三名 the first three places; 比赛将决出 ~ 八名。 The matches would decide the top eight.
❸ (过去的; 较早的) ago; before; preceding: 解放 ~ before liberation; ~ 一阶段 the preceding stage; 日 ~ a few days ago; the other day; 30年 ~ thirty years ago; 晚饭 ~ before supper; 战 ~ prewar
❹ (从前的) former; formerly: ~ 市长 former mayor; ex-mayor; ~ 校长 former principal of a school Ⅱ (向前进) go forward [ahead]: 畏缩不 ~ recoil in fear; hesitate to press forward; 勇往直 ~ go bravely forward; forge ahead dauntlessly
◆前半场 front court; 前半晌 [方] forenoon; morning; 前半生 the first half of one's life; 前半天 forenoon; morning; 前半夜 the first half of the night; from nightfall to midnight; from dusk till midnight; 前辈 senior (person); elder; predecessor; the older generation; 前臂 forearm; cubitus; antebrachium; 前边 in front; ahead; above; preceding; 前滨 lower beach; foreshore; {地质} beach face; 前不久 lately; 前部 forepart; front; nose; 前舱 forehold; forecabin; nose cabin; nose nacelle; 前叉 front fork; 前车之覆, 后车之鉴 make the overturning of the chariot in front a warning for the chariot behind; learn caution through an unpleasant experience; The wrecked coach in front should be a warning.; The overturned cart in front serves as a warning to the carts behind.; One should take warning from another's mistake.; It is well to profit by the folly of others.; Overturned cart in front is a warning for those behind.; 前车之鉴 warning taken from the overturned cart in front; a lesson from the failure of one's predecessor; lessons drawn from other's mistakes; Overturned cart in front is a warning for those behind.; take warning by another's failure; 前尘 [书] the past; 前程 future; prospect; [旧] career; 前程似锦 have an infinitely bright future; have a bright future; one's future as beautiful as brocade; splendid prospects; 前程万里 His future career will be great.; have a brilliant prospects; have the ball at one's foot; 前程远大 have the world before sb.; have a fine future; have brilliant prospects; have excellent prospects; 前池 {水} forebay;
前齿 foretooth; 前翅 fore wing; proala; primaries; 前传 {体} forward pass; 前大门 foregate; 前导 lead the way; march in front; precede; a person who leads the way; pioneer; guide; 前导旗 guide flag; guide pennant; 前灯 headlight; projector; 前敌 front line; 前端 fore-end; nose; front end; leading end; 前额 forehead; front; pate; 前方 the place ahead; the front; 前锋 vanguard; {体} forward; playmaker; tackle; 前夫 former husband; ex-husband; late husband; 前赴后继 advance wave upon wave; advance and fill the breach left by fallen comrades; Fresh forces continually come forward to take place of those who have pushed ahead.;
前功尽弃 waste all the previous efforts; waste the efforts already made; All labour lost.; All one's labour has been in vain.; All the work one has done is wasted.; All that has been achieved is spoiled.; All one's previous efforts are wasted.; All previous work undone.; All previous work came to naught.; forfeiture of all the former achievements; One's past merits will count for nothing.; The former labour is all wasted.; All the former tasks have been thrown away.; 前滚翻 {体} forward roll; 前汉 the Early Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 24); 前后 around; about; from start to finish; from beginning to end; altogether; front and back; 前后夹攻 attack ... both in front and in rear; 前后矛盾 inconsistent; antilogy; inconsecutive; 前后摇晃 reel to and fro; 前后左右 on all sides; all around; in every direction; 前呼后应 respond as echo to sound; act in cooperation; take concerted action; 前呼后拥 have a retinue before [in front] and behind; be accompanied by a retinue; be escorted imposingly; with many attendants crowding round; with escorts in front and behind; with a guard in front and rear; with a large retinue; 前胡 {中药} the root of purple-flowered peucedanum; radix peucedani; Angilica decursiva; hog's fennel; peucedanum decursivum; 前级 preceding stage; 前记 preface; forward; introduction; 前甲板 foreboard; foredeck; 前桨手 bow-man; 前脚 the forward foot in a step; no sooner ... than; the moment (when) ...; hardly ... when;
前街后巷 front street and back lane; 前襟 the front part of a Chinese robe or jacket; 前进 advance; go forward; forge ahead; make progress; march; {穴位} Qianjin; 前进速度 {航海} speed of advance; forward velocity; 前进梯队 forward echelon; 前景 {摄} foreground; prospect; vista; perspective; 前倨后恭 change from arrogance to humility; be first supercilious and then deferential; haughty before and polite afterward — change of attitude; change from arrogance to respect; One's haughtiness has given place to humility.; treat with rudeness at first but afterwards with respect; 前开门 button fly front; 前科 criminal record; pedigree; 前空翻 {杂技} forward somersault in the air; 前拉后推 with sb. pulling in front and others pushing behind; 前例 precedent; 前梁 front-axle beam; 前列 front row; front rank; forefront; van; 前列腺 prostate; parastata; prostate gland; prostata; prostat-; prosta ̄ to; 前轮 front wheel; nosewheel; 前茅 vanguard; patrol; the top of the list; 前门 front gate; 前门拒虎, 后门进狼 drive a tiger away from the front door and let a wolf in at the back — to fend off one danger only to fall prey to another; free oneself from the threat of the tiger only to fall into the clutches of a wolf; One woe goes and another comes.; 前门廊 anticum; 前面 in front; at the head; ahead; 前母 father's former wife; 前脑 forebrain; prosencephalon; protocerebrum; 前年 the year before last; 前怕狼, 后怕虎 fear wolves ahead and tigers behind; be full of fears; be anxious about a possible wolf in front and a possible tiger behind; extreme doubt, caution or hesitancy aris ̄ing from fear of doing wrong, making errors or blunders, etc.; be overcome by scrupulosities; be reduced to inaction by over-caution; fear (vicious) dragons ahead and (fierce) tigers behind; 前排 front row; 前炮 {军} forward gun (on a ship); bow-piece; 前配偶 ex-spouse; 前仆后继 take up the positions of the fallen and rise to fight one after another; One steps into the breach as another falls.; No sooner has one fallen than others step into the breach.; As those in front fall, those behind take up their positions.; Behind the fallen is an endless column of successors.; 前期 earlier stage; early days; prophase; 前妻 former wife; ex-wife; late wife; 前起落架 nose gear; nose landing gear; 前前后后 the whole story; the ins and outs; from front to rear; 前腔 ante-chamber; {植} front cavity; 前桥 propons; ponticulus; front axle (汽车); pommel;
前倾 forerake; antevert; anteversion; 前驱 progenitor; forerunner; precursor; pioneer; 前人 prehominid; predecessors; forefathers; 前人栽树, 后人乘凉 plant trees for the benefit of posterity; One generation plants the trees under whose shade another generation rests — profiting by the labour of one's forefathers.; One sows and another reaps.: Ancestors plant trees while descendants enjoy the cool under the tree shade.; enjoying the fruits of labour of one's ancestors or predecessors; 前任 predecessor; precursor; 前日 the day before yesterday;
前晌 [方] forenoon; morning; 前哨 outpost; advance guard; 前身 predecessor; precursor;front; 前生 prelife; 前世 previous existence; previous life; 前世有缘 be connected in a former existence; 前事不忘, 后事之师 The past is the prologue.; By not forgetting past events, one can draw lessons from them.; Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.; The past not forgotten is a guide for the future.; The remembrance of the deeds of past ages is the best guide in the future.; You can draw lessons from the past if you don't forget it.; 前室 cup; miniature chamber; 前视 foresight; minus sight; 前手翻 {体} handspring; hand spring vault; 前束 toe-in; 前思后想 turn over in one's mind; Ideas revolved in one's mind.; look before and after; reflect and muse; think over again and again; 前所未见 have never seen before; 前所未闻 never heard it before; never heard of before; unheard-of; 前所未有 hitherto unknown; such as never previously existed; unprecedented; 前台 proscenium; {计}foreground; (on) the stage; 前提 {逻} premise; prerequisite; presupposition; antecedent; precondition; 前蹄 forehoof; 前天 the day before yesterday; 前厅 {建} antechamber; vestibule; 前庭 {生理} vestibule; {建} antecourt; 前头 at the head; 前途 future; prospect; promise; 前途光明 have a bright future; There are bright prospects lying ahead.; A splendid future lies ahead.; 前途渺茫 (feel that) one's prospects are bleak; have an uncertain future; The future looks grim.; The prospects are remote.; with nothing definite in view; 前途未卜 hanging in the balance; an ambiguous future; The future remains problematic.; The prospects remain undecided.; 前途无量 have a great future (before sb.); have boundless prospects; One's future is boundless.; very promising; 前途无望 The future is hopeless.; unpromising; 前腿 foreleg; 前往 go to; leave for; proceed to; 前桅 foremast; 前委 [简] the front committee; 前卫 {军} advance guard; vanguard; {体} halfback; 前无古人 have no predecessors;no ancients in the past have done;without parallel in history;unprecedented (event, etc.); 前无古人,后无来者 A record that has never been approached and will never be approached again.; 前夕 eve; 前贤 [书] people of virtue of the older generations;
前线 front; frontline; 前胸 forebreast; protothorax; corselet (鞘翅目昆虫); pereion; manitrunk; manitruncus; 前言 preface; foreword; introduction; 前言不搭后语 utter words that do not hang together; mumble disconnected phrases; speak incoherently; talk incoherently; self-contradictory; 前沿 forward position; frontier; front edge; leading edge; rising edge; entering edge; front porch; front; foremost; 前仰后合 stagger forward and back; be convulsed with laughter; laugh oneself into convulsions [fits]; laugh oneself helpless (into convulsions); rock [shake] forwards and backwards with laughter; 前夜 eve; 前一阵子 earlier on; early on; 前因 antecedents; 前因后果 antecedents and consequences; the beginning and the end of the matter; causes and effects; the sequence of events; Later events are the inevitable result of former causes.; the entire process; 前元音 {语} front vowel; frontal vowel; 前缘 lip; snoot; leading edge; 前院 foreyard; forecourt; front courtyard; parvis; parvise; 前约 precontract; 前站 next stop; next railway station; 前爪 forepaw; 前兆 omen; forewarning; premonition; foreshadow; forerunner; 前者 the former; 前肢 fore limb; foreleg; anterior limb; hand; 前置 prepose; preposition; pre; 前置词 {语} preposition; 前轴 epipodium; 前轴承 fore bearing; large metal; 前缀 {语} prefix; 前奏 prelude; 前足 propodeum; propodium; propodeon; propes






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