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单词 前功尽弃

前功尽弃qián gōng jìn qì

all one’s labour (/work) is wasted (/thrown away); all previous(former) efforts have come to naught; all the results of past victories are nullified; all that has been achieved is spoiled
❍ 他不能开枪,因为打一下倒痛快,可是惊动大队鬼子出来,枪支可能保不住,那样会~。(知侠《铁道游击队》41) He checked himself,however,knowing that if he fired the noise would inevitably attract a large number of enemy troops to the spot,and all his labour and pains in securing the guns would be thrown away.
❍ 他觉得此时我们一补进,就是~;他主张背城一战! (茅盾《子夜》555) He’s afraid that if we cover now,it’ll mean that all our work will have been wasted. He’s for fighting to last ditch!/要是真的,那可就~了。(冯志《敌后武工队》 408) If so,then our plans are for nothing.
❍ 将军屡出, 未获全功;今日洮西之捷,魏人已服威名,何故又欲出也?万一不利,~。(《三国演义》961) General,your expeditions have partly failed many times; you have never scored a complete victory. But now on the Tao River the men of Wei recognized your superiority,and why should you try again? There is small chance of success,and you risk all you have gained.
❍ 一不小心,可就~了!(鲁迅《华盖集》26) One false step,and you may ruin everything!/那贾敬闻得长子小媳妇死了,因自为早晚就要飞升,如何肯又回家染了红尘,将~呢,……(《红楼梦》148) Jia Jing,alone was untouched by the death of his eldest grandson’s wife. Expecting to attain immortality shortly himself,how could he go home to be soiled by mundane dust and squander all the merit he had acquired?


lose all the results of one’s previous efforts; spoil (or forfeit) all that has been achieved;waste all one’s previous efforts; all labor lost;all previous efforts will come to naught
这份决议草案一旦通过,将使各方的外交努力~。If the draft resolution were adopted,it would undo all the diplomatic efforts of the parties concerned (or all the diplomatic efforts would end up in smoke).

前功尽弃qián ɡōnɡ jìn qì

尽:全部;弃:丢失。指以前的功劳全部丢失,也指以前的努力完全白费。all one’s previous efforts are wasted, all labour lost, nullify all the advantages of a series of victories





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:30:37