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单词 削足适履

削足适履xuē zú shì lǚ

cut the feet to fit the shoes; rather pinch the foot than change the shoes;act in a Procrustean manner
❍ 他们不知道: 这些条令仅仅是一般战争的规律,并且全是抄了外国的,如果我们一模一样地照抄来用,丝毫也不变更其形式和内容,就一定是~,要打败仗。(《毛泽东选集》156) They do not see that these manuals give merely the laws of war in general and moreover are wholly copied from abroad,and that if we copy and apply them exactly without the slightest change in form or content,we shall be“cutting the feet to fit the shoes” and be def eated.


cut the feet to fit the shoes—mechanically copy regardless of specific conditions

削足适履xuē zú shì lǚ

履:鞋。削去脚的一部分,来适应鞋子。比喻无原则的迁就或勉强凑合。cut the feet to fit the shoes, rather pinch the foot than change the shoe, make (act) fit the Procrustean bed





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