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单词 别鹤孤鸾

别鹤孤鸾bié hè gū luán

the departing crane and the lonely pheasant—man and wife being separated from each other
❍ 上弦惊别鹤,下弦操孤鸾,愿留就居住,从今至岁寒。(《陶渊明集·拟古》90) The high string frightens the departing crane; |The low string startles the lonely pheasant. |I should like to stay with him |From now until the cold winter.
❍ 旧社会有无数~,新社会离散夫妻终于重新团聚了。In the old society many husbands and wives were separated from one another,whereas in the new society the separated couples have at long last been reunited.

别鹤孤鸾bié hè ɡū luǎn

别:分别;鸾:古代传说中凤凰之类的鸟。多比喻夫妻离散。one was left all alone far from home, man and his wife being separated from one another





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