释义 |
出生入死出死入生chū shēng rù sǐat the risk of one’s life; brave countless (/untold) dangers;brave death; defy (/brave) all kinds of perils (/dangers);face death often; go through fire and water; risk death; risk one’s life; take one’s life in one’s hands ❍ 我们敬爱的周恩来同志作为我党的代表,经常~,…… (《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—147)Comrade Zhou Enlai,as our Party’s representative,conducted valiant struggles at the risk of his life. ❍ 咱们义军的眷属随着丈夫起义,几年来~,什么苦都吃过,也见过些大阵仗。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—251) The wives of our insurgents have followed their husbands all these years,putting up with hardships of every kind and braving death. They’ve seen plenty of battles too…/~,生之徒十有三,死之徒十有三。(《老子》五十章)Man comes into life and goes out to death. Three out of ten are companions of life. Three out of ten are companions of death. ❍ 他曾经出死入生,在战争中看见过许多悲痛的事,但是,他从来也没体验过他此刻所产生的激动感情。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》11) Though he had faced death often and had seen many tragic things in battle,nothing had ever shaken and angered him so intensely. ❍ 九号那天大家都~地干了一场。你呢,老夫子,坐在书斋里不觉得难过么?(杨沫《青春之歌》601) On the ninth when the rest of us took our lives in our hands,didn’t you feel bad,Mr Pedant,sitting in your study?/从个人来说,咱们~呆了十几年,从来没有分过手;……(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》203) We’ve been through shot and shell together for over ten years. As a friend,I’d hate to lose you. 出生入死chū shēnɡ rù sǐ比喻冒着生命危险,随时都有死亡的可能。go through fire and water, death, face death often at the risk of one’s life, take one’s life in one’s hand |