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单词 出水芙蓉

出水芙蓉chū shuǐ fú róng

[of a girl or woman]as pretty as the lotus which has just grown out of water; (like) the lotus emerging from the water; [of poetry] written in a fresh,elegant style
❍ 贵妃方在后宫坐兰汤洗浴。宫人回报玄宗说道: “妃子洗浴方完。”玄宗微笑说道:“美人新浴,正如~。”(鲁迅《中国小说史略》112) In the inner palace the lady was bathing in her scented bath. Her maids reported to the emperor:“Her Ladyship has just finished her bath.” The emperor said with a smile: “A beautiful lady coming out of her bath is like the lotus emerging from the water. ”

出水芙蓉chū shuǐ fú rónɡ

芙蓉:指荷花。刚长出水面的荷花。原指诗歌写得清新。现也比喻女性的美丽。a phrase used for praising a beautiful female, written in a fresh, elegant style





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:52:05