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单词 行将就木

行将就木xíng jiāng jiù mù

be getting nearer and nearer the coffin -be fast approaching death; at death’s door;approach the end of one’s days; be in doddering (/deddery) age; be on threshold of the grave;have one foot in the grave;life is burning low (in sb); not have many days before one; one’s days are numbered
❍ 今老将就木,潦倒不能横飞,故态复作,……(《聊斋志异·八大王》)Now,however,I am drawing near the wood,and being unable to move about much,the old vice has come upon me again;…/我二十五年矣,又如是而嫁,则就木焉。请待子!(《左传·僖二十三年》) I am now 25; and if I am to marry again after another 25,I will go to my coffin. I had rather wait for you.

行将就木xínɡ jiānɡ jiù mù

木:棺材。形容快要进棺材了。death, at death’s door, with one foot in the grave, on one’s last legs





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:38:27