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单词 出奇制胜

出奇制胜chū qí zhì shèng

achieve success with original ideas; catch a weasel asleep; defeat one’s opponent by a surprise move;overpower sb by springing a mine on him;seize victory through a surprise attack; steal a march on sb; take the enemy by surprise
❍ 竹斋! 这不是冒险,这是~! (茅盾《子夜》297) I tell you,Zhuzhai,we wouldn’t be running any risk,we’d be winning by means of a surprise attack!/……在他的脑子里已经形成了完整的审讯意图,和~的作战计划。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》156) …he had formed a complete interrogation plan by which he would seize victory through a surprise attack.
❍ 你们去吧。可是要切记着~,冷不防打到敌人的致命地方。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ—175) All right,you can go. But remember to take the enemy by surprise and strike at his vitals.


winning a victory by surprise attack

出奇制胜chū qí zhì shènɡ

运用奇兵袭击敌人。用对方料想不到的策略取得胜利。defeat one’s opponent by a surprise move, achieve success with original ideas, steal a march on sb., take the enemy by surprise





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