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单词 出头有日

出头有日chū tóu yǒu rì

the day has (/will)come for sb to raise his head (/to free himself from misery,etc)
❍ 客籍占领山地,为占领平地的土籍所压迫,素无政治权利。前年和去年的国民革命,客籍表示欢迎,以为~。(《毛泽东选集》73) These settlers,who live in the hilly regions,have been oppressed by the native inhabitants in the plains and have never had any political rights. They welcomed the national revo lution of the past two years,thinking that the day had come for them to raise their heads.

出头有日chū tóu yǒu rì

形容从困境中解放出来已为时不远。the day had come for sb. to raise his head, the day will come for sb. to free from





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