释义 |
出(Ⅱ齣)chūⅠ ❶ (从里面到外面) go [come] out;leave: ~ 城 go out of town;~ 院 leave hospital;~ 狱 be released from prison ❷ (来到) arrive;come: ~ 场 come on the stage;~ 席 attend;be present ❸ (超出) exceed;go beyond: ~ 格 go beyond the limit;~ 月 after this month;next month;when the month is out;after the end of this month; 不 ~ 3年 within three years ❹ (往外拿) issue;put up: ~ 布告 post an announcement;put up a notice;~ 主意 offer advice;supply ideas;make suggestions; 今晚比赛,你们 ~ 谁? Who's going to play for your side in tonight's match? 有钱 ~ 钱,有力 ~ 力。 The rich will be asked to contribute money;the strong to contribute labour. ❺ (出产;产生) produce;turn out: ~ 成果 produce result;~ 煤 produce coal;~ 人才 turn out talents; 大连 ~ 苹果。 Dalian produces apples. 实践 ~ 真知。 Genuine knowledge comes from practice. 这个世纪 ~ 了许多大人物。 The century produces many great men. ❻ (发生) arise;happen;take place;occur: ~ 问题 go wrong;go amiss; 防止 ~ 事故 prevent accidents; 这事 ~ 在30年前。 It happened thirty years ago. 如果他 ~ 了什么事,请立刻通知我。 If anything happens to him,let me know at once. 这事 ~ 在 1989年。 It took place in (the year of) 1989. ❼ (出版) publish: 这本书是1990年 ~ 的。 The book was published in 1990. 这个杂志一月 ~ 一期。 The magazine comes out once a month. ❽ (发出;发泄) put forth;vent: ~ 芽 put forth buds;sprout;~ 疹子 have measles; 他总是拿狗 ~ 气。 He always vents his anger on the dog. ❾ (显露) appear ❿ (显得量多) rise well (with cooking): 这种米 ~ 饭。 This kind of rice rises well when it's cooked. ⓫ (支出) pay out;expend: 量入为 ~ keep expenditures within the limits of income;cut one's coat according to one's cloth; 入不敷 ~ one's income falling short of one's expenditure;unable to make both ends meet Ⅱ (传奇中的一大段;戏曲的一个独立剧目) a dramatic piece:一 ~ 戏 an opera;a play 另见 see also chu。 ◆出版 come off the press;appear;publish;come out; 出榜 (贴出被录取人的名单)publish a list of successful candidates or examinees;[旧] (贴出文告) put up a notice; 出奔 leave;run away;flee;take flight; 出殡 carry a coffin to the cemetery;hold a funeral procession; 出兵 dispatch [send out] troops;march army for battle;send an army into battle; 出操 (go out to) drill;go out to do exercises; 出岔子 go wrong;get [run] into trouble;meet with an accident;make mistakes; 出差 be away [travel] on official business;be on a business trip;go on an errand [a mission];出产 produce;manufacture;put out;turn out; 出场 (登台;表演) come on the stage;appear on the scene;(剧本用语) enter;(运动员进运动场) enter the playing ground;enter the arena; 出厂 (of products) leave the factory; 出超 favourable balance of trade;excess of exports;export surplus;trade surplus; 出车 (开出车辆) dispatch a vehicle;draw out;(开车出去) be out driving a vehicle;(走锭细纱机的) outward run; 出丑 (出洋相) make a show of oneself;make a fool of oneself;become a laughing stock;(丢脸) bring shame on oneself;expose one's weak points; 出处 source (of a quotation or allusion);reference; 出错 (发生错误) make mistakes;(差错) malfunction;error; 出点子 offer advice;make suggestions; 出动 (队伍外出行动) set out;start off;(派出军事力量) call out;send out;dispatch;(行动起来) go into action;turn out; 出尔反尔 promise and then deny in succession;be inconsistant in one's words [deeds];chop and change about;contradict oneself (in word and deed);go back on one's word;now yes,now no;renege on one's words;violate the rule of one's own making;welsh on one's promises; 出发 (离开原地去其它地方) set out;start off;leave;depart;(从某一方面着眼) start from;proceed from; 出发点 starting point;point of depar ̄ ture;origin; 出饭 [口] (off rice) rise well (with cooking); 出访 visit a foreign country; 出风头 seek [be in;like] the limelight;cut a smart figure;push oneself forward;show off; 出伏 ending of the dog days; 出钢 {冶} steel tapping;tapping (of molten steel);tap; 出港 clear a port;leave port;sortie; 出格 exceed what is proper;break the pattern; 出阁 (of a woman) get married;marry; 出工 (出发上工;出勤) go to work;show up for work;set out for work;turn out for work;(出劳动力) supply the labour; 出恭 go to the lavatory (for a bowel movement); 出轨 (火车脱离轨道) be derailed;go off the rails;jump the rails;(言语行动出乎常规之外) overstep the bounds; 出国 go abroad;leave one's native land; 出国热 craze of going abroad; 出海 go to sea;put out to sea; 出汗 perspire;sweat; 出航 (船离开港口) set out on a voyage;set sail;(飞机离开机场) set out on a flight;take off; 出乎意料 exceeding one's expectations;against expectation;beyond (one's) expectation;contrary to expectation(s);contrary to one's expectations;out of one's reckoning;to sb.'s surprise;unexpectedly; 出乎预料 beyond expectation;exceed expectation;cap the climax; 出活 yield results in work;be efficient; 出击 {军} launch an attack;start off for attack;hit out;make a sally;sortie; 出籍 expatriation; 出家 become a monk or nun or Taoist priest; 出价 offer a price;bid; 出嫁 (of a woman) get married;marry; 出界 {体} out-of-bounds;outside;out-of-range; 出境 leave the country;depart;exit;emigrate; 出局 out; 出科 [旧] graduate from old-type; 出口 speak;utter;(出口处) exit;exitus;way out;(本国或本地区的货物运出去;输出) export; 出口成章 words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master;have chapter and verse at one's tougue's tip;make a polished impromptu speech;say [speak;use] book language in ordinary talk;say easily without thinking hard;talk beautifully;talk with adroit phrases;toss off smart remarks; 出口气 work off one's feeling;vent one's spleen; 出口伤人 offend by rude remarks;use bad language to insult people;speak bitingly; 出口商品 export commodities; 出来 come out;emerge; 出口许可证 export license; 出类拔萃 rise above the common herd;be among the select best;be distinguished from one's kind;be out of the common run;be pre-eminent;cap all;eminent above all others;out of ten thousand;outstanding;prominent;stand above the rest;stand out among others [one's fellows];stand out from the class and select the best from the collection;stand out from the rest;stand out in the crowd;top all of the others;tower above the rest; 出力 (尽力;拿出力量) put forth one's strength;exert oneself;exert one's efforts;make great efforts;(输出功率) output power;output;sendout; 出列 {军} leave one's place in the ranks; 出猎 go hunting; 出溜 [方] slide;slip; 出笼 (从蒸笼中取出) come out of the steamer;(坏事物出现) come out into the open;come forth;appear;(大量抛出) put forth in large quantities;dump;inflate (the paper currency); 出路 (通向外面或向前发展的道路) way out;outlet;(销售货物的去处) outlet;(出口) egress; 出乱子 go wrong;get into trouble; 出落 grow (prettier,etc.); 出马 go into action;take the field;take up a matter; 出卖 (卖) offer for sale;sell;(背叛) sell out;betray;barter away; 出毛病 be [go] out of order;go wrong with;break down;trouble with;conk; 出梅[霉] set-out of plum rains;set-out of mold rains; 出门 (外出) go out;(离家远行) leave home;be away from home;go on a journey;[方] (出嫁) (of a woman) get married; 出门子 [方] (of a woman) get married;marry; 出面 act in one's own capacity [on behalf of an organization];appear personally;come forward; 出苗 {农} (of seedlings) emerge;come out;germinate;sprout; 出名 (著名;有名声) famous;well-known;(出面) lend one's name (to an occasion or enterprise);use the name of; 出没 appear and disappear;come and go;haunt; 出没无常 appear and disappear without regularity;appear and disappear at intervals;appear and disappear unexpectedly;appear at intervals;appear unpredictably;come and go unpredictably;may appear or disappear at any time; 出谋划[献]策 give advice and suggestions;give advice to sb. (behind the scenes);give counsel;mastermind a scheme;offer advice; 出纳 (现金、票据的付出和收进) receive and pay out money or bills;(担任出纳的人) cashier;teller;(泛指付出和收进的管理工作) receive and lend books,etc.; 出难题 set difficult questions;pose a difficult problem;set sb. a very difficult task; 出品 (制造) produce;manufacture;make;(产品) product; 出其不意 take sb. by surprise;beyond one's range of expectation;catch sb. unawares [unprepared];catch [take] someone napping;do what (they) do not expect;have sb. over the barrel; 出奇 unusually;extraordinarily; 出奇制胜 defeat one's opponent by a surprise move;achieve success with original ideas;make a successful surprise raid;overpower sb. by springing a mine on him;seize victory through a surprise attack;take the enemy unawares,go in and win;win a victory through unusual means;win by novelty [by surprise attack];win by surprise; 出气 (发泄怨愤) give vent to one's anger;feel avenged;vent one's spleen;(排气,放气) air out;gassing; 出勤 (按时工作) turn out for work;(外出办理公务) be out on duty; 出去 go out;get out; 出圈儿 [方] overstep the bounds;go too far; 出让 sell (one's own things); 出人头地 rise head and shoulders above others;become outstanding;come to the fore;distinguish oneself; excel most men;make one's mark;stand above others;stand apart from the others;stand out among one's fellows;stand out among others;stand out a head above others; 出人意表[料;外] exceeding all expectations;beyond all expectations;come as a surprise;contrary to one's expectations;happen unexpectedly; 出任 [书] take up the post of; 出入 (出去和进来) come in and go out;go out and come in;(数目、语句等不相符) discrepancy;divergence;inconsistency; 出色 outstanding;remarkable;splendid; 出山 leave retirement and take a government post;become an official; 出身 (家庭出身) class origin;family background;(个人经历) one's previous experience or occupation; 出神 be spellbound;be absorbed in;be in a trance;be lost in thought;aphelxia; 出神入化 reach [attain] the acme of perfection;be absent-minded and transformed;become spiritualized;be superb;extremely miraculous;miraculous;the highest level of artistic or literary attainments; 出生 be born;birth; 出生率 birth rate;natality; 出生入死 go through fire and water;at the risk of one's life;brave countless dangers;brave untold danger;defy [brave] all kinds of perils [danger];do sth. at the risk of one's life;go through thick and thin;risk one's life;run [take] a risk [risks];出师 (学徒期满) finish one's apprenticeship;[书] (出兵) dispatch troops to fight;send out an army; 出师不利 lose the first battle;a bad beginning;be rebuffed in [at] the first encounter;get off on the wrong foot;thwarted at the very beginning; 出使 (接受外交使命到国外去) serve as an envoy abroad;be sent on a diplomatic mission; 出示 show;show [exhibit] for inspection;produce; 出世 (出生) come into the world;be born;(产生) be produced;come into being;(超脱人世) renounce the world;stand aloof from worldly affairs; 出世作 [旧] (of a writer,etc.) first effort;the first published work; 出事 meet with a mishap;have an accident; 出仕 [旧] become an official; 出手 (卖出;脱手) get (hoarded goods,etc.) off one's hands;dispose of;sell;(开始做某件事时表现出来的本领) skill displayed in making opening moves;(袖子的长短) length of sleeve; 出售 offer for sale;sell; 出数儿 [口] (of rice) rise well with cooking; 出水芙蓉 (刚长出水面的荷花,比喻美貌的女子) A lotus flower just rose from under (the) water — a phrase used for praising a pretty girl.;a lotus flower when fully open;as natural and loveable as the lotus just out of water;the lovely lily that has just sprung into blossom from the water; 出台 (演员上场) appear on the stage;enter;(出面活动) appear personally;(公布法律、条例等) be published; 出逃 run away;escape;flee; 出题 (出题目) set a theme (esp. in composing poems or writings);set a question;assign a topic;(出试题) make out questions (for an examination,etc.); 出粜 sell (grain); 出挑 (指体格、相貌方面) grow (prettier,etc.);(指智能方面) develop (in skill,etc.); 出铁 tap a blast furnace;tapping;tapping iron;tap; 出庭 appear in court;before the court;enter an appearance; 出头 (摆脱困苦) lift one's head;free oneself (from misery,persecution,etc.);see daylight;(出面,带头) appear in public;come forward;(整数后的零头) a little over;odd; 出头椽子先(朽)烂 Exposed rafters are the first to rot.;Rafters that jut out rot first. — The one who comes forward first is the first to suffer.;People in the limelight bear the brunt of attack.; 出头露面 appear in public;show oneself;show one's head;be in the limelight; 出徒 complete one's apprenticeship; 出土 (被挖掘出土) be unearthed;be excavated;(幼苗出土) come up;come up out of the ground; 出脱 (货物卖出) manage to sell;dispose of;(出落) grow (prettier,etc.);(开脱罪名) acquit;absolve出外 leave for another town,city,etc.; 出亡 (出走;逃亡) flee;live in exile;escape; 出污泥而不染 come out of the dirty mud unsoiled;emerge unstained from the filth;rise unsullied from mud (referring to water-lilies);remain undefiled in spite of general corruption,vice,etc.; 出席 attend;be present; 出息 promise;prospects;future; 出险 (脱险) be or get out of danger;(发生危险) be in danger;be threatened; 出现 appear;arise;emerge;grow;turn up; 出线 outlet;coil out;outgoing line; 出项 item of expenditure;expenses;outlay; 出血 {医} haemorrhage;hemorrhage;bleeding;haemorrhagia;{刷} (图片的边超出开本而被切去) bleed; 出巡 (帝王巡行) royal progress;(出外巡视) tour of inspection; 出芽 {植} (抽芽) sprout;put forth buds;germinate;be budding;(某些低等动物或植物生出芽体) prolification;gemmation;budding; 出牙 odontiasis;odontosis;dentition;dentia;teething;tooth eruption; 出言不逊 make impertinent remarks;offend by rude remarks;offend in word;speak insolently;speak rudely [insolently];speak very impertinently;talk harshly [disagreeably];use bad language to;use offensive [rude] language;utter insulting remarks; 出洋 [旧] go abroad; 出洋相 make an exhibition of oneself;make a scene;play the fool;make a (sorry) spectacle of oneself;make oneself a laughing-stock for all;bear the cap and bells;cut a poor [miserable] figure; 出迎 go or come out to meet; 出游 go on a (sightseeing) tour; 出于 start from;proceed from;stem from;out of; 出语不俗 speak in a lofty manner;speak in an uncommon way; 出狱 be discharged from prison;be released from prison; 出院 leave hospital; 出渣 slag tap;tap cinder;dross run;tap;flush practice; 出帐 (把支出款项登上帐) enter an item of expenditure in the accounts;[方] (开支;支出) items of expenditure; 出蛰 {动} (of animals) the period of hibernation is over; 出诊 (of a doctor) visit a patient at home;pay a home visit;make a house call;out-call; 出征 go on an expedition;go out to battle; 出众 be out of the ordinary;be outstanding;exceptional; 出租 hire;let;rent out; 出租汽车 taxicar;taxicab;taxi;cab; 出租人 leasor
出chu(用在动词后表示向外、显露或完成,作补语) used as a complement: 从大厅里走 ~ come out of the hall; 看 ~ 问题 see where the problem lies;realize that there's sth. wrong; 派 ~ 代表团参加会议 send a delegation to attend a conference; 做 ~ 成绩 achieve (good) results 另见 see also chū。 |