释义 |
凶[Ⅰ ❸ ❹Ⅱ兇]xiōnɡⅠ ❶ (不幸的) inauspicious; ominous: 吉 ~ 未卜 do not know whether it will turn out good or bad; ~ 兆 ill omen ❷ (年成很坏) crop failure: ~ 年 a year of crop failure or famine; a bad year ❸ (凶恶) fierce; ferocious: 这个人样子真 ~。 This chap looks really fierce. ❹ (利害) terrible; fearful: 病势很 ~ terribly ill; 闹得太 ~ 了! What a terrific row! 这场雨来势很 ~。 The rain came down with a vengeance. Ⅱ (杀害或伤害人的行为) act of violence; murder: 行 ~ commit physical assault or murder ◆凶暴 fierce and brutal; 凶残 fierce and cruel; savage and cruel; ferocious; 凶多吉少 be fraught with grim possibilities; bode ill rather than well; forbode disasters rather than blessings; more ominous than propitious; not a good omen but an evil one; the odds are against us rather than in our favor; 凶恶 fierce; ferocious; fiendish; malevolence; ruffianly; vicious; 凶犯 one who has committed homicide or mayhem; murderer; 凶悍 fierce and tough; ferocious and tough; termagancy; 凶耗 news of sb.'s death; 凶狠 fierce and malicious; malevolent; cruel; fiendish; 凶横 fierce and arrogant; brutal and tyrannical; 凶狂 fierce and ruthless; 凶猛 violent; ferocious; terrible; 凶年 off year; a bad year; famine year; 凶年恶岁 time of dearth; lean years; year of bad crops; a bad year; 凶虐 fierce and brutal; cruel; 凶殴 beat up cruelly [ruthlessly]; 凶器 tool or weapon for criminal purposes; lethal weapon; 凶气 ferocious look; 凶如虎狼, 恶似魔鬼 be more savage than a tiger or a wolf and as evil as the devil; 凶如猛虎 with the ferocity of tigers; 凶杀 homicide; murder; 凶煞 demon; fiend; 凶神 demon; fiend; 凶神恶煞 devils; fiends; fierce- looking; malicious-looking; of forbidding or harsh aspect; with malice written all over his face; 凶事 unlucky matters-death, burial, etc.; violence that involves casualties; war; 凶手 murderer; assassin; assailant (who has caused injury to sb.); cutthroat; 凶死 die by violence; meet a violent end; 凶徒 villain; murderer; 凶险 in a very dangerous state; critical; extremely dangerous; 凶险风 traversier; 凶相 ferocious features; fierce look; 凶相毕露 look thoroughly ferocious; bare one's fangs; bare one's ferocious features; fierce features fully exposed; reveal the atrocious features; show one's ferocity; show one's teeth; unleash all one's ferocity凶信 news of sb.'s death; 凶焰 ferocity; aggressive arrogance; 凶宅 haunted house; unlucky abode; 凶兆 ill omen; boding of evil; 凶终隙末 The end of it is evil.; be friendly at first, but become enemies finally |