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❶ (作出主张;决定) decide;determine: 悬而未 ~ be undecided;be awaiting decision;
犹豫不 ~ hesitate;be unable to reach a decision;be in a state of indecision
❷ (执行死刑;杀死) execute a person: 处 ~ put to death;execute;
枪 ~ execute by shooting
❸ (裂开;断开) (of a dyke,etc.) be breached;burst: 河水 ~ 堤,淹没了方圆数英里的乡村。The river broke through its banks,and flooded the country for many miles around. 全堤溃 ~。 The bank burst and totally collapsed. Ⅱ (用在否定词前面: 一定) definitely;certainly;under any circumstances: ~ 非恶意 be entirely without malice;bear no ill will whatsoever;~ 无此事 No such things ever happened.
◆决不罢休 one will never be reconciled to;
决不 definitely not;certainly not;under no circumstances;by no means;
决不宽贷 No mercy will be shown.;No pardon will be given.;On no account will leniency be shown.;
决不食言 never to retract one's words;I certainly will not retract my words.;never to break one's promise;never to go back on one's word;on no account to go back on one's promise;
决策 make policy;make a strategic decision;decide a policy;make policy decisions;policy decision;decision-making;decision of strategic importance;
决策部门 the decision-making department;
决策程序 decision-making procedure;
决策方案 decision alternative;
决策分析 decision analysis;
决策概率 decision probability;
决策机构 decision-making organization;decision-making body;
决策机制 decision-making mechanism;
决策技术 decision technique;technology of decision-making;
决策监督 supervision of decision-making;
决策科学化 scientification of decision-making;
决策论 decision theory;
决策民主化 democratization of decision-making;
决策权 the decision-making power;
决策人物 decision-maker;
决策树 decision-making tree决策体制 decision-making system;
决策心理 decision-making psychology;
决策中心 decision center; 决定 decide;resolve;make up one's mind;decision;resolution;determine;decide;
决定权 power to make decision;
决定性投票 decisive vote;
决定性问题 crucial problem;
决定性因素 determining factor;decisive factor;
决斗 duel;decisive struggle;
决断 make a decision;resolution;resolve;decisiveness;
决非偶然 be by no means accidental;
决计 have decided;have made up one's mind;definitely;certainly;
决口 burst;be breached;crevasse;breach;break;
决裂 break with;rupture;
决明 Cassia tora;
决然 [书] resolutely;determinedly;decidely;firmly;
决赛 {体} finals;
决胜 decide the issue of the battle;determine the victory;
决胜千里 gain a decisive victory a thousand miles away—a good plan;
决死 life-and-death;
决算 final accounts;final accounting of revenue and expenditure;final settlement of account;award of bid;actual budget;final cost;
决心 determination;resolution;
决一胜负 decide in a contest;make a final bid for victory;
决一雌雄 battle [fight] it out;fight to see who is the stronger;struggle for mastery;try the test of battle;wage a decisive fight;
决一死战 wage a life-and-death struggle;determine to fight to the death;fight sb. to the death;fight to a finish [to the very last];fight to one's death.;
决意 have one's mind made up;be determined;
决议 result;resolution;
决议如山 Resolutions are piling up.;
决战 decisive battle;decisive engagement;
决战决胜 determine to fight and win;firm resolve to fight and win





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