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单词 大风大浪

大风大浪dà fēng dà làng

great storms (and waves); high (/violent) winds and waves; storm and stress; great upheavals
❍ 你跟着义军打了几年仗,什么~都经见过,怎么会这样沉不住气呀?(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—169) You’ve followed the army all these years and have been through dangers of every kind. How can you panic like this?/~也不可怕。人类社会就是从~中发展起来的。(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—417) Even great storms are not to be feared. It is amid great storms that human society progresses.
❍ 大凤子虽是二十来岁的大姑娘了,毕竟未经过~,……(陈登科《活人塘》101)Feng Zi,a girl over twenty,had been subjected very little to the slings and arrows of cruel fortune.

大风大浪da feng da lang

wind and waves—great social upheaval


wind and waves;great storms;great social upheaval;social turbulence

大风大浪dà fēnɡ dà lànɡ

原指自然界的狂风巨浪,现也用来比喻社会上复杂、尖锐、激烈的斗争。great storms, wind and waves, storm and stress, great upheavals, mighty storm





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