冒[冐]màoⅠ ❶ (向外透; 往上升) emit; give off; send out [up]: ~ 汗 ooze sweat; ~ 热气 give off steam [heat]; ~ 泡儿 send up [rise in] bubbles; 机枪 ~ 出火舌。 A tongue of fire bursts. 泥浆从地下 ~ 出来。 Mud oozed from underground. 烟囱里 ~ 着白烟。 White smoke rose from the chimneys. ❷ (不顾) risk; brave: ~ 生命危险 risk one's life; ~ 着风雨 brave winds and rain; ~ 嫌疑 ignore people's suspicion Ⅱ ❶ (冒失; 冒昧) boldly; rashly: 在街上 ~ 喊某人 boldly call sb. in the street; ~ 入会场 rashly enter the assembly hall ❷ (冒充) pretendedly; falsely; fraudulently: ~ 称 falsely claim; 谨防假 ~ beware of imitations Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 致中 Mao Zhizhong 另见 see also mò。 ◆冒充 pretend to be; pass sb. or sth. off as; 冒出 {自} drop; drop-in; emit; dank; exude; 冒大不韪 risk universal condemnation; defy the universal will of the people; defy world opinion; disregard universal condemnation; fly in the face of the will of the people; willing to do unlawful things; 冒顶 {化工} puking; badly bleeding; roof caving;{矿} roof fall; 冒犯 give offence; offend; affront; 冒风险 run risks; on the line; 冒号 {语} colon (:); 冒火 burn with anger; get angry; flare up; 冒尖儿 piled high above the brim; a little over; a little more than; stand out; outstanding; be conspicuous; begin to crop up; 冒进 premature advance; rash advance; advance rashly; 冒口 {机} flash groove; casting head; feed head; feeder head; gate riser; hot top; riser; riser head; shrink head; shrinkage head; sink-head; sullage pipe; rising head; 冒领 falsely claim as one's own; 冒冒失失 recklessly and abruptly; rashly; impetuously; without due consideration; heedlessly and unceremoniously; 冒昧 [谦] make bold; venture; take the liberty; 冒昧陈辞 [词] make bold to inform; make bold to express my views; venture an opinion; be bold enough to express one's views; 冒昧良心 against one's conscience; 冒昧行事 take liberty of doing [to do] sth.; rush upon an affair heedlessly; act recklessly; leap in the dark; 冒昧之举 a rash act; blind bargain; a leap in the dark; 冒名 go under sb. else's name; assume another's name; 冒名顶替 take another's place by counterfeit ̄ing [assuming] (his name); act as a fraudulent substitute for a person; assume the identity of another person; masquerade under a false name; enter under a false name; imposture; pass sb.'s name as one's own; 冒牌 imitation brand; a counterfeit of a well-known trade mark; imitation; fake; 冒牌产品 counterfeit goods; fake goods; 冒牌商标 imitation trademark; 冒失 rash; abrupt; 冒失鬼 cool hand; cool character; harumscarum; 冒死进言 appeal (to the emperor) at the risk of death; 冒死救人 help sb. at the risk of one's life; 冒天下之大不韪 be against the world; defy world opinion; defy the universal will of the people; despite world condemnation; in defiance of world opinion; fly in the face of the will of the people; risk universal condemnation; 冒头 begin to crop up; 冒险 take a risk; take chances (of); risk; adventure; run a risk; at the risk of; venture; venture on [upon]; brave; {计} hazard; 冒险行动 a leap in the dark; 冒险一试 chance one's arm; chance it; 冒险主义 adventurism; 冒用商标 trade-mark infringement
冒mò (人名用字) a word used in a person's name 另见 see also mào。 |