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单词 内外夹攻

内外夹攻nèi wài jiā gōng

attack both (/simultaneously/at the same time) from within and without
❍ 要知道,太平天国在南京,就是因为内有湘淮军,外有洋枪兵的~打垮了。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—240) The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Nanjing collapsed at the end just because it was attacked at the same time by the Hunan and Anhui armies from within and the foreign troops from without.
❍ 只要不得罪汉口洋人,不惹起~的话,无论如何,总不至于一下会失败。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—236) I don’t think we’ll fail all at once,say the least so long as we take care not to offend the foreigners in Hankou and find ourselves faced with enemies both within and with out./……造成~的形势,集中力量追捕大贪污犯。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—507) …thus forming a pincer movement from inside and out at the same time,so that we can concentrate our forces and track down those guilty of serious bribe-taking.
❍ 此时却求在朝忠义之臣,一同谋之。~,庶可有济。(《三国演义》575) In this matter we must gain the support of every loyal and faithful one in the court so that within and without there may be a simultaneous attack.


crossfire from within and without

内外夹攻nèi wài jiā ɡōnɡ

里外配合,同时进攻。attack from both within and without, attack from inside and out, a crossfire, under crossfire from both within and without





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