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单词 学校设施

学校设施xué xiào shè shīFacilities

办公大楼[bàn ɡōnɡ dà lóu] office/administration building
办公室[bàn ɡōnɡ shì] (general) office
保管组[bǎo ɡuǎn zǔ] custody office
布告栏[bù ɡào lán] notice/bulletin board
财务科[cái wù kē] finance section
餐厅[cān tīnɡ] dining room; mess hall; canteen
厕所[cè suǒ] lavatory; toilet; washroom; water closet (W.C.)
侧门[cè mén] side gate
出纳组[chū nà zǔ] cashier’s section
传达室[chuán dá shì] reception office; janitor’s room
存车处[cún chē chù] bike parking lot; bicycle park shed
大教室[dà jiào shì] lecture hall
大礼堂[dà lǐ tánɡ] auditorium
档案文书组[dànɡ àn wén shū zǔ] document & file section
电化教育实验室[diàn huà jiào yù shí yàn shì] sound lab/laboratory
电话交换台[diàn huà jiāo huàn tái] telephone exchange/switchboard
分机[fēn jī] extension (telephone)
广播站[ɡuǎnɡ bō zhàn] P.A. System; public address system; broadcasting station
锅炉房[ɡuō lú fánɡ] boiler room
后门[hòu mén] back gate
会计组[kuài jì zǔ] accounting office
伙食科[huǒ shí kē] catering section
监护组[jiān hù zǔ] custody section
教导处[xùn dǎo chù] dean’s office
教室[jiào shì] classroom
教学大楼[jiào xué dà lóu] classroom building
教学组[jiào xué zǔ] teaching group
教研室[jiào yán shì] teaching and research section/room
阶梯教室[jiē tī jiào shì] lecture theatre
楼梯[lóu tī] staircase
暖气片[nuǎn qì piàn] radiator; heating radiator
暖气设备[nuǎn qì shè bèi] central heating
人事处[rén shìchù] personnel office
收发室[shōu fā shì] office for incoming and outgoing mail
双层床[shuānɡ cénɡ chuánɡ] double-decker; double bed; double bunk
宿舍[sù shè] dormitory
体育馆[tǐ yù ɡuǎn] gymnasium(GYM)
通廊[tōnɡ lánɡ] passage
图书馆[tú shū ɡuǎn] library
校办工厂[xiào bàn ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ] school-run workshop
校董会[xiào dǒnɡ huì] board of trustees; school board
校门[xiào mén] (school) gate
校园[xiào yuán] campus; school yard
学生会[xué shēnɡ huì] students’ union; student council
学生宿舍[xué shēnɡ sù shè] students’ hostel/dormitory
学习园地[xué xí yuán dì] study column
学校顾问中心[xué xiào ɡù wèn zhōnɡ xīn] campus counselors’ center
学校农场[xué xiào nónɡ chǎnɡ] school farm
学校图书馆[xué xiào tú shū ɡuǎn] school library
阳台[yánɡ tái] balcony
医务室[yī wù shì] school clinic
饮水桶[yǐn shuǐ tǒnɡ] drinking water tank
英语专柜[yīnɡ yǔ zhuān ɡuì] English corner
语言实验室[yǔ yán shí yàn shì] language laboratory
阅览室[yuè lǎn shì] reading room
运动场[yùn dònɡ chǎnɡ] playground; sports field
注册处[zhù cè chù] registration office; registrar’s office
注册组[zhù cè zǔ] registry section
资料室[zī liào shì] reference room
自来水[zì lái shuǐ] running water; tap water
自修室[zì xiū shì] study hall
总务处[zǒnɡ wù chù] general affairs office; office of general affairs
走廊[zǒu lánɡ] corridor
盥洗室[ɡuàn xǐ shì] lavatory; toilet; washroom; water closet (W.C.)





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