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单词 兵荒马乱

兵荒马乱兵慌马乱bīng huāng mǎ luàn

(times) with battles raging and soldiers running amok; confusion reigns everywhere during times of war; the troubled times with fighting going on; the war with all its stresses and strains; the turmoil and chaos of war; disorder caused by continuous military operations/……~,江路难行。(孔尚任《桃花扇·闲话》275) During bad times like these,with battles raging and soldiers running amok,the road has become dangerous.
❍ 抗战以后这东西趁着~抢了一个村长。(赵树理《李有才板话》37) After the outbreak of the war,the dog took advantage of the upset conditions to get himself elected mayor.
❍ 然而,在这~的年月,小生意也不好做。(陶承《我的一家》21) I soon found out that the vending business was not any too profitable in times of trouble and war.
❍ 一九四九年的夏天,汤河上出现了一九二六年军阀刘镇华围西安以来最大的~。(柳青《创业史》19) In the summer of 1949 the Tang Stream area saw the greatest movement of troops and the worst military chaos since warlord Liu Zhenhua had besieged Xi’an twenty-three years before.
❍ ~的时期,车必定便宜一些; …… (老舍《骆驼祥子》22) The price must be lower too in these troubled times with fighting going on.
❍ 街上~的,不知道是怎么回事! (老舍《茶馆》17) The streets are crawling with soldiers and horsemen. What’s happening?


turmoil and chaos of war


war going on with all its stresses and strains;chaos of war;turmoil of war
~的年月turbulent years of war

兵荒马乱bīnɡ huānɡ mǎ luàn

形容战时动荡不安的情景。the turmoil and chaos of war, chaotic wars, disorder caused by continuous military operations





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