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单词 兴师动众

兴师动众劳师动众xīng shī dòng zhòng

move troops and stir up the people-draw in (/mobilize)many people (to do sth)
❍ 张福全却摇头反对,声音低沉地说: “我看还没有什么大不了的事情,用不着劳师动众。” (艾芜《百炼成钢》132) Zhang Fuquan shook his head and said: “You’re making too much fuss and bothering too many people.”/既然怕~,不如不养活这些闲人了。(《儒林外史》500) If we’re afraid of mobilizing our forces,we shouldn’t feed so many idle men!/“您还不知道吗?”那人答道。“我们大王已经 ‘恭行天罚’,用不着再来~,……”(鲁迅《采薇》58)“Don’t you know?” the man answered. “Now that our king has ‘carried out the mandate of Heaven’ he has no further need for armies. …”/每日叫丫头们就熬了,又便宜,又不惊师动众的。(《红楼梦》560)You can get your maids to prepare some every day. It won’t cost anything and you’ll not be putting anybody out.
❍ 黄帝乃帅诸侯,兴兵动众,……(鲁迅《中国小说史略》90) So the Yellow Emperor let the barons and raised a greatarmy.…


mobilize an army and rally the people—drag in a great number of people(to do sth)

兴师动众xīnɡ shī dònɡ zhònɡ

兴:发动;众:大队人马。原指大规模出动,现多指发动了很多人。drag in many people to do sth., move troops and stir up people, mobilize too many troops





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