释义 |
兴妖作怪xīng yāo zuò guàiconjure up a host of demons to make trouble (/mischief); play (/raise)the devil; stir up (a lot of) trouble (s) ❍ 是这样看起来,完全是张仪那小子在~啦。(郭沫若《屈原》98) In that case it is all the work of that scoundrel Zhang Yi. ❍ 只要我们精神上有了充分的准备,我们就可以战胜任何~的孙行者。(《毛泽东选集》 1326) As long as we are fully prepared mentally,we can beat any devilish Mon key. ❍ 中国古代虽然曾有“猫鬼”,近来却很少听到猫的~,似乎古法已经失传,老实起来了。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·狗猫鼠》 7) Although China too had “cat spirits” in ancient times,in recent years we very seldom hear of feline black magic; it seems the old craft has died out and they have turned honest. ❍ 把他抓到东皇太一庙里去,要郑太卜监视着他,不要让他出来! (郭沫若《屈原》104) Take him to the Temple of the Eastern Emperor,and let the diviner Zheng guard him. See that he does not get out to make further trouble. ❍ 我们既然允许谈判,就要准备在谈判成功以后许多麻烦事情的到来,就要准备一副清醒的头脑去对付对方采用孙行者钻进铁扇公主肚子里~的政策。(《毛泽东选集》 1326) Since we have agreed to hold negotiations,we should be prepared for the many troubles which will arise after the success of the negotiations,and we should be ready with clear heads to deal with the tactics the other side will adopt,the tactics of the Monkey who gets into the stomach of the Princess of the Iron Fan to play the devil. 兴妖作怪xīnɡ yāo zuò ɡuài比喻坏人挑起事端,暗中捣鬼、破坏。stir up trouble, play the devil, make trouble |