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❶ (完备; 齐全) complete: 获得 ~ 胜 win complete victory; 人都来 ~ 了吗? Is everybody here? 手稿已残缺不 ~。 The manuscript is no longer complete. 这商店虽然小, 货物却很 ~。 The shop, though small, has a satisfactory variety of goods.
❷ (整个) whole; entire; full; total: ~ 国 the whole [entire] nation; ~ 过程 the entire proceeding; ~ 世界 the whole world; all over the world; ~ 中国 the whole of China; all over China; ~ 书共二十卷。 The work is complete in twenty volumes. Ⅱ (完全; 都) entirely; completely; totally: ~ 错了 completely [all] wrong; 课文 ~ 复习完了。 We have reviewed the whole text. ~ 怪我。 It's entirely my fault. 她 ~ 不理会大家的话, 只是坐在那里发呆。 She paid no attention to whatever others had said but sat there in a trance. 我们一家 ~ 去了。 My whole family went. Ⅲ (保全; 使完整不缺) make perfect or complete; keep intact: ~ 性保真 (Taoist) keep one's original nature; 苟 ~ 性命 manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles; 两 ~ 其美 satisfy both sides Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 琮 Quan Cong
◆全般 all; the entire amount; 全豹 whole picture; overall situation; 全闭 full cut-off; 全波 full wave; all wave; 全波段 full-wave band; all band; full range; 全部 whole; complete; entire; total; all; 全才 a versatile person; all-rounder; 全长 overall length; 全场 the whole audience; all those present; {体} full-court; all-court; 全称 full name; 全城沸腾 All the town is up.; 全程 whole journey; whole course; omnidistance;
全党全军 the whole Party and army; 全等 {数} congruence; identically equal; congruent; 全动机翼 tiltwing; all-moving wing (of an aircraft); 全都 all; completely; without exception; 全反射 {物} total reflection; 全方位 comprehensiveness; omnibearing; 全份 complete set; 全副 complete; full; 全负载 full load; 全攻型 {体} all-out attacking style; 全功率 total power; 全国 nationwide; countrywide; the whole nation; the whole country; throughout the country; 全国家电评比 nationwide audio and video selection; 全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC); 全国性 nationwide; countrywide; national; 全国一盘棋 coordinate all the activities of the nation as in a chess game; all-round considerations and arrangements for the nation as a whole; The whole country is a single entity.; taking an overall view; 全乎 [口] complete; all in readiness; 全会 plenary meeting; plenary session; plenum; 全集 universal set; complete works; collected works; 全家福 [方] a photograph of the whole family; hotchpotch; 全金属 all-metal; 全景 overall view; overall perspective; general view; panorama; full view; whole scene; 全局 overall situation; whole situation; situation as a whole; 全绝缘 all insulation; 全军 the whole army; the entire army; 全军覆没 The whole army was (completely) wiped out.; completely annihilated; roll up horse and foot; roll up horse, foot and guns; The whole army is drowned.; The whole army was destroyed [annihilated].; total destruction of an army; 全开 {刷} a standard-sized sheet; 全宽 overall width; 全扩散 perfect diffusion; 全劳动力 able-bodied farm worker; full-time labor; 全力 with all one's strength; do everything in one's power; all-out; sparing no effort; 全力以赴 go to all lengths; call forth all one's energy; dedicate oneself to; devote every effort to; do all in one's power; do all one can; do one's level best; do one's utmost; do sth. with all resources at one's command; go all out; make all-out efforts; move heaven and earth to; pull out all stops; put one's best foot foremost [forward]; spare no effort; strive with all one's might for; with might and main; 全麻痹 pamplegia; panplegia; 全盲 total blindness; 全貌 complete picture; full view; overall perspective; 全面 overall; comprehensive; all-round; entire; 全苗 {农} full stand; 全民 the whole people; the entire people; all the people; 全民动员 mobilize the people of the whole country; a nationwide mobilization; 全民公决 referendum; 全民皆兵 turn every man into a soldier; entire nation in arms; Everybody is a soldier.; every citizen a soldier; Everyone should be a soldier.; The whole population become soldiers.; turn the entire nation into soldiers; 全民文明礼貌月 National Civil Ethics and Courtesy Month; 全民所有制 ownership by the whole people; 全名 full name; 全能 {体} all-round; 全年 annual; yearly; 全耦合 unity coupling; 全盘 overall; comprehensive; wholesale; 全盘西化 wholesale westernization; 全屏幕编辑 full-screen edit; 全剖 complete section; 全勤 present at duty every day; 全晴 cloudless; 全球 the whole world; 全球定位系统 global positioning system; 全球问题国际会议 International Conference on Global Problems; 全球自由贸易 global free trade; 全权 full authority; full powers; plenary powers; plenipotentiary; 全权处理 give sb. his head; give sb. a free hand; 全然 completely; entirely; 全人 total man; 全日 full-time; 全日制 full-time; 全色 {摄} panchro ̄ matic; 全身 the whole body; all over (the body); 全神贯注 give one's whole attention [mind] to ...; apply [bend] the mind to ...; be absorbed [engrossed] in ...; be preoccupied with; concentrate the whole energy upon ...; give one's mind wholly to ...; One's whole attention was fixed on ...; with all one's mental faculties on the stretch; with breathless attention; 全盛 flourishing; in full bloom; 全胜 complete victory; 全食 {天} total eclipse [totality]; 全始全终 carry a matter through; a perfect beginning and ending; finish what was started; see sth. through; stick to sth. to the very end; 全事件 total event; whole event; 全饰船 full dress ship; 全视图 full view; general view; 全数 total number; whole amount; 全速 full speed; maximum speed; top speed; in high gear; 全损 total loss; 全套 full set; package; ensemble; stand; complete set; 全体 all; entire; whole; 全天 all day long; 全天候 all-weather; 全托 put one's child in a boarding nursery; 全脱产 be totally released from one's work; 全文 full text; 全无是处 totally wrong; absolutely without merit; 全息 {光} holographic; 全息电影 holographic movie; 全息摄影 holography; hologram photography; 全息术 holography; 全息图 hologram; holograph; panorama; 全息照相 {等离子} holography; {自} hologram; 全瞎 stone-blindness; 全线 all fronts; the whole line; the entire length; 全向测距 omnidirectional ranging; 全向导航 omnirange; omnidirectional range; 全向经纬仪 omnimeter; 全向天线 omnidirectional antenna; omni antenna; 全向信标 nondirectional beacon; 全向音响系统 periphonic system; 全象 full figure; 全心全意 put one's heart and soul into ...; heart and soul; put one's whole heart into ...; wholeheartedly; with all one's heart; 全星队 all star team; 全星赛 all star game; 全形 holotype; holomorph; 全休 complete rest; 全休止符 whole rest; 全序 total order; 全循环 complete alternation; full circle; complete cycle; 全压 total head; 全音 {音} whole tone; whole step; 全音符 {音} whole note; semibreve; 全音阶 {音} diatonic scale; 全优 straight A; general excellence; 全员 the entire personnel; whole; 全员劳动合同制 comprehensive contract system for all employees; 全月 the whole month; 全运会 the national games; National Athletic Meet; 全脂奶粉 whole milk powder; 全脂牛奶 whole milk; 全自动 full-automation; full-automatic; 全自动编译技术 full automatic compiling technique; 全自动超微型电视摄像机 automaticsuper- micro video camera; 全自动洗衣机 automatic washing machine; 全字体 omnifont; 全组 complete set





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