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Ⅰ ❶ (政党) political party;party:保守 ~、 工 ~ 和自由 ~ the Conservative,Labour and Liberal Parties;
退[脱] ~ secede from the party;
他忠于他的 ~。 He is true to his party.
❷ (在我国特指中国共产党) the Party (the Communist Party of China):~ 的生活 Party life;
入 ~ join the Party
❸ (由私人利害关系结成的集团) clique;faction;gang:结 ~ 营私 form a clique to pursue selfish interests;
死 ~ sworn follower
❹ [书] (亲族) kinsfolk;relatives:父 ~ one's father's kinsfolk
❺ (姓氏) a surname:~ 怀英 Dang Huaiying Ⅱ [书] (偏袒) be partial to;take sides with:无偏无 ~ hold the scales even;without bias and without favour;avoid leaning to either side
◆党八股 stereotyped Party writing; stereotyped writing; style of some Party officials;Party jargon;
党报 party newspaper;organ of the party;
党代表 Party representative;
党阀 tyrant inside a party;
党法 the Party regulations;
党费 party membership dues;
党风 party conduct;working style of the Party;
党纲 party programme;programme of the Party;
党锢 [古] suppression of the conspiratorial cliques;
党规 the Party rules;
党棍 a dirty politician who uses his party membership as a means in promoting self-interest;
党籍 party membership;
党纪 party discipline;
党纪国法 party discipline and the laws of the state [land];党课 Party class;Party lecture;
党魁 [贬] party chieftain;party boss;
党龄 party standing;
党内 within the party;inside the party;inner-party;
党派 political parties and groups;party groupings;
党票 a Party member card;Party membership;
党旗 party flag;
党日 a day set aside for Party organization activities;
党参 {中药} Codonopsis pilosula;dangshen;root of hairy asiabell;
党史 Party's history;
党同伐异 defend those who belong to one's own faction and attack those who don't;be narrowly partisan;close ranks against aliens;discriminate against people who disagree with oneself;get rid of those with dissenting opinions;
党徒 [贬] (参加某一集团或派别的人) member of a clique or a reactionary political party;(亲信) henchman;
党团 (政党和团体的简称) political parties and other organizations;(特指中国共产党和共青团) the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Communist Youth League;the Party and the League;(多用于外国议会) parliamentary groups;
党外 outside the Party;
党委 Party committee;
党务 party work;party affairs;
党小组 Party group;
党校 Party school;
党性 Party spirit;Party character;
党羽 [贬] members of a clique;adherents;henchmen;confederate;underling;gangster;
党员 party member;
党章 party constitution;
党证 party card;
党支部 Party branch;
党中央 the Party Central Committee;the central leading body of the Party;
党组 leading Party group

political party;party
~八股 stereotyped party writing;party jargon/~报party organ(or newspaper)/~的代表机关representative agency of the Party/~的干部Party functionary;Party cadre /~的观念concept of the Party/~的基本知识essential knowledge concerning the Party/~的集中领导centralized leadership by the Party/~的建设Party building/~的绝对领导absolute leadership by the Party/~的理论工作the Party’s theoretical work/~的领导方式和执政方式the Party’s way of leadership and governance/~的全国代表大会National Congress of the Party/~的先进性vanguard nature of the Party/~的一元化领导centralized Party leadership/~的执政能力the Party’s governing capability/~费party membership dues/~龄Party standing/~规党法rules and regulations of the Party





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