❶ (把粮食等放在水里,煮成糊状) cook (cereals,etc.) into porridge or thick soup:~ 粥 cook [make] gruel;
汤快~ 干了。 The soup is overstewed,it's nearly dried up.
❷ (把东西放在容器里久煮) extract sth.'s essence by long boiling:~ 盐 make salt by boiling seawater;~ 药 decoct Chinese medicine by boiling and simmering medicinal herbs,etc. in water
❸ (忍受) endure;hold out;go through;bear;stand:~ 过苦役 endure the hard labour;~ 过苦难的岁月 go through years of suffering and privation;~ 红了眼睛 stay up till one's eyes become bloodshot;
我不知道穷人们是怎样 ~ 过那些寒冬的。 I don't know how poor people got through those cold winters. 我坐在他旁边,苦苦 ~ 了两个钟头。 Seated beside him,I bore the ordeal for two hours. 仲夏酷暑尤其令人难 ~。 It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.
另见 see also āo。
◆熬煎 suffering;torture;
熬夜 stay up late;stay up all night;work or gamble until deep into the night;burn the midnight oil